The Real Football Factories: London - Documentary

Later for you Pats haters, it’s Monday people. Last night was a terrible night for American football, so I figured we take it back to the motherland (of white people) and talk about some real football.

I know Americans are too good for soccer, because we like sports that are more controversial, corrupt, and easily fixed, but sometimes you just gotta branch out (esp. when your American Football team just giftwraps games for their opponent). I mean, think of all the soccer fanatics in the world!

Besides, soccer has this great thing going on with hooliganry, the likes of which could only be found in a Red Sox v. Yankees rivalry in America. I know there are other heated sports rivalries, but none where the fans kill each other and crap. Anyway, watch the video and enjoy. It’s about hooligans for God’s sake.


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Posted: November 16th, 2009
at 11:21am by Black Ock

Categories: documentary

Comments: 7 comments


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