Archive for January, 2008

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This was posted before in our watch category, and I know some of you who are the ill mnp fans have already been through that thing backwards and forwards.

We eventually endeavor to get our entire youtube library in there, but in the meantime, you should check out mnp’s custom youtube channel, put together by the one and only Mr. Crumbles, one of your trusty site admins. OK, uh, watch the video.
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Kinda ill, right? At least until Puffy comes in. Almost got this terrific vid re-un-posted. Excellent job, Puffy (I’m still refusing to call that fool Diddy, or whatever he calls himself).


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Posted: January 7th, 2008
at 2:46pm by Black Ock

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,youtube,music,9th dan

Comments: 2 comments

Big Clem’s Update

*roger clemens is not in fact a homosexual

For those of you ninjas who ain’t educated enough to be watchin’ a show like 60 Minutes and also for ya’ll ninjas that are too educated to be watchin’ that crap, we just thought we’d tell you that Rocket ‘Roider Clemens was on there last night, more or less denying that he ever did steroids.

Now I can’t claim to have personal knowledge of whether or not his lying ass did steroids, so I won’t claim to; nor will I show any bias against his testosterone injected big old h-g-h-having-done head. Let’s just say that his answers to the questions were dubious at best. His defense of himself was very Barry Bond-ish in its "Well, it doesn’t matter because how could I even prove I was telling the truth, anyway"-ness. Nonetheless, it was an interesting interview.


That’s kind of old news though because we all knew that Mr. My-Shoulders-Are-Six-Times-Broader-Than-My-Hips was on steroids anyway. I know he has a ill crazy training regimen but I mean, come on… So does Ladanian Tomlinson. Nobody grows twice as diesel after 35 as they were beforehand. That’s like if LT just started eating people all the sudden.

I mean, come on people, you have to look at the warning signs. Hell, they should get me a job on the Mitchell Report thing, cuz I could damn sure point out a few more suspicious characters.

jason giambi

Anyway, I’m gonna cover my ass in the most journalistic way possible and end this rant by saying that I could be wrong, but I’m probably not. What do you people think? We thought we should keep you updated since we posted on this last week. He probably should have gone the Andy Petite route and just admitted it. This site seems to be coverin’ the event quite well.

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Posted: January 7th, 2008
at 3:22am by Black Ock

Categories: not ninja-worthy,games,real life news

Comments: No comments

David Lynch on the iPhone

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Posted: January 5th, 2008
at 3:47pm by Black Ock

Categories: youtube,cell phones,film

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Japanese Show of the Week #1

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What? Hell yeah it’s a permanent feature. It’s just too much. If anyone knows how these joints work… um… hit us up!

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Posted: January 4th, 2008
at 11:33am by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,youtube,too good to be true

Comments: 1 comment

Human Tetris

We posted about this before, but that was back before we had the ability to embed YouTube videos. In any case, some of you may not remember, although there is no real excuse.

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Posted: January 4th, 2008
at 10:26am by Black Ock

Categories: youtube,games

Comments: No comments

Foto del dia 01.04.2008


We may have outdone ourselves.

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Posted: January 4th, 2008
at 8:00am by orangemenace

Categories: foto del dia

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Barack Wins in Iowa

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There’s never a real cause to be surprised about such things as primaries, given that they are inherently unpredictable.AA As you may know, for the democrats, Obama came out in front.AA That’s especially not surprising to me, given that he got elected in the state right next door (and we know it wasn’t black people who elected him, primarily).AA The ninja in me still doesn’t quite believe that Americans would willingly elect a black president, but times are a-changing apparently.AA We’ll see what happens when he comes back east.

Senator Barack Obama and former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee have emerged the victors in Iowa Thursday, winning the presidential caucuses.

Obama, a first-term senator, won with a significant lead over his main rival and Democratic front-runner, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. Senator John Edwards came in second but Clinton came in at a very close third while votes were being tallied.

Meanwhile, Huckabee, a Baptist preacher-turned politician, won the Republican caucus. He defeated Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. Former senator Fred Thompson and Senator John McCain were in a tight race for third place.

Going into Iowa, the first big test of the presidential race, Huckabee and Romney were neck-and-neck in the polls.

Although Romney outspent Huckabee by about $20 to $1, the former governor had the support of more than half of Republican voters in Iowa who said in entrance polls they were either born-again or evangelical Christians. [LINK]

The Republican winner was Huckabee (yes, as in: I Heart), the minister-man who wants to dismantle the IRS.AA Another "surprise" was Rudy Giuliani’s poor showing.AA He came up sixth after damn near everyone else on the ticket.AA Anyway, go read this if you haven’t overdosed on the story already.

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Posted: January 4th, 2008
at 5:22am by Black Ock

Categories: politricks,fo' real?,real life news

Comments: No comments

Partz Unknown - 1995

This video features cuts by DJ Kool Akiem, one of our favorites, interviewed on the music page, not to mention a hook by maybe the dopest emcee of all time, ISelfDevine.

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While our music master, Trizlam, is on Holiday break, we’ll be holding down some of that old school stuff you’ve come to love here on the main page.

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Posted: January 3rd, 2008
at 1:03pm by Black Ock

Categories: hood status,music

Comments: 3 comments

Foto del dia 01.03.2008


French AIDS psa, via.

::Ed. Note: If you think looking at this is creepy, think about being involved in the photo shoot - my ninjas, please!::

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Posted: January 3rd, 2008
at 12:00pm by orangemenace

Categories: foto del dia

Comments: 2 comments