Back to Black Violin

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This was posted before in our watch category, and I know some of you who are the ill mnp fans have already been through that thing backwards and forwards.

We eventually endeavor to get our entire youtube library in there, but in the meantime, you should check out mnp’s custom youtube channel, put together by the one and only Mr. Crumbles, one of your trusty site admins. OK, uh, watch the video.
YouTube Preview Image

Kinda ill, right? At least until Puffy comes in. Almost got this terrific vid re-un-posted. Excellent job, Puffy (I’m still refusing to call that fool Diddy, or whatever he calls himself).


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Posted: January 7th, 2008
at 2:46pm by Black Ock

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,youtube,music,9th dan

Comments: 2 comments


2 Responses to 'Back to Black Violin'

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  1. i think i saw these guys in montreal . . . .


    8 Jan 08 at 5:52 am


  2. yo, that dude who started askin them questions on that news show? just came from offstage on some ‘yo, i saw you guys on tv…’ – shit is killin me right now.


    10 Jan 08 at 1:02 am



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