Adam Kalkin’s 12 Container House
check out this 12 container house by the makers of the quik house
Posted: October 17th, 2007
at 10:14am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: green,architecture,photo,design,development
Comments: 3 comments
Great Rap Albums (Round 3)
The Micranots - Obelisk Movements (2000, Subverse)
Trizlam reviews another album for the third installment in the series at music.mnp.
Ninjarish Worms
If you haven’t checked out the myninjaplease feature on vermicomposting with red worms, then you probably haven’t lived, and you might be seriously unaware of the depth of our network.
Our green.mnp women/o.g. ninjas are currently doing a feature on using red worms to compost bits of trash. It’s a green idea with added bonuses. Not only do you get sweet sweet worm java, which can make your plants happy as hell, but you also get a thousand creepy crawlies as pets. Jessie and Andrea are keeping us updated with their Savage Worms journal entries.
Sound appealing to you? Head over to green.mnp to check out week four, or catch up on the previous postings:
Posted: October 17th, 2007
at 8:36am by Black Ock
Categories: too good to be true,green,science
Comments: No comments
Quote of the Day
"I tend to watch a little TV… Court TV, once in a while. Some of the cases I get interested in." - O. J. Simpson [via]
They took his rings, they took his Rolex…
Posted: October 17th, 2007
at 1:35am by Black Ock
Categories: celebrity,crime,too good to be true,fo' real?,quote of the day
Comments: No comments
R4House : Luis de Garrido
El arquirecto puede incluso superar a la Naturaleza, pero para ello debe entenderla interiorizarla y amarla con toda su alma [luisdegarrido] of r4house
further reading:::
R4House, una casa 100% ecolAAgica
R4House (Reutiliza-Recupera-Recicla-Razona): La referencia en Arquitectura Sostenible
Posted: October 16th, 2007
at 2:00pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: green,architecture,design
Comments: No comments
The Writer’s Brush
The Writer’s Brush Paintings and Drawings by Writers at Anita Shapolshy Gallery
Posted: October 16th, 2007
at 12:00pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: contemporary
Comments: No comments
materialicious shipping container coverage
materialicious are busy trying to reinvent the shipping container as well- here are some of their highlights….there is a new standard for all yal builders out there to add to your train car, cross-reference applique directories- IBU = Intermodal Building Unit (= Shipping Container) is a brand new [and exclusive to a guy named Greg] standard for stacking boxes! they have been reporting on some of the nicest designs that I have seen anywhere.
a company in france now offers eco-friendly ISOs with bamboo flooring and you can even cop that above pattern of a pattern for a tile pattern for your floor. anybody remember super puzzle fighter II turbo? back to the original mode of reasoning of writing about shipping containers, these meditation pods seem like a really practical use for a rampant shipping container. it is good to see that the public’s interest in shipping containers has actually yielded replacement "containers" that merely represent the possibilities of the consumer’s desire to save the environment and effectively make non-custom (soon to be custom) containers less expensive for building in the process.
CNN coverage via materialicious
![YouTube Preview Image](
Posted: October 16th, 2007
at 10:00am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: green,web,home,business,architecture,design,development
Comments: No comments
Reinventing the Shipping Container Part 4
ok now that we have a vague idea of some of the elements involved within the spectrum of shipping containers, one asks what’s next?
-buy some shipping containers
-understand how to ship with shipping containers from a German perspective
-be aware of the terrorist threat that shipping containers hold in our "borderless world"
-reflect on the play on shipping containers as data packets
-decide whether the purpose of container[s] areis for a cargo, travel, work, promotion, media container, living or industrial space
rethink if you are going to architect the containers or go to the playa
-realize that people have been doing this pre-fab thing since the seventies : ninjas already been known about shipping containers so there are —-other options
-build that! and make a statement?!
With privatization, "the public agency that actually owns the port is guaranteed rent, and there’s a higher level of security for everybody in the chain," Mr. Levinson said. "This was a response to the riskiness of what is a very, very capital-intensive business."
from How container shipping changed the global economy, Economic Scene by Virgina Postrel
Posted: October 16th, 2007
at 8:00am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,life,art,green,web,home,business,weaponry,architecture,design,development,entrepreneurship
Comments: No comments