Archive for July, 2006

What is More Right? People Are Hurting Everywhere!

Enough is Enough, a Zimbabwean blog, has a brilliant article on the current sociopolitical state of the world:
"The past weeka€™s events in the Middle East have confirmed Zimbabweana€™s fears that in eyes of the world some lives are intrinsically more valuable than others. And we now know without a doubt that our lives, those of millions of Zimbabweans ravaged by years of misrule and the extinction of democracy in our homeland, are less valuable than those of the Israeli people."

Read the Full Article


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Posted: July 23rd, 2006
at 3:39pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: life,politricks

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Glass Should Be Washed Down With More Glass

"After fifteen years of digging his teeth into tube lights, liquor bottles and even spectacles, Kishan Suryavanshi dreams of feasting on the windscreen of a supersonic jet."

Speech and glass sounds in Hindi.

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Posted: July 23rd, 2006
at 3:13pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: youtube

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The Hackable Election

Bradblog (Brad being an official ninja) has another great post about Mikel Haas and San Diego’s hackable election. The post claims that the elections in San Diego were intentionally set up with known-to-be-hackable voting machines. My question is, why the bloodclot would you use electronic voting machines?!?

For those of you less well-versed in our nation’s illustrious legacy of voting fraud, almost every electronic system is hackable, if not immediately upon creation, eventually. And I don’t just mean voting machines. From the alarm clock in your car to your computer. When electronic voting machines first came out I thought to myself, this must be a conspiracy. Furthermore, ninjas knew nothing about it!, meaning it must be a bad conspiracy. Very bad.
Check it out

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Posted: July 23rd, 2006
at 3:11pm by black octagons

Categories: myninjaplease,life,crime,politricks

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Bart Van de Vel

Bart Van de Vel, an artist whose depth is amazing, is hosting an ongoing wallpaper exhibition. Basically these have been my desktops for the past year or so. Check out his free beautiful prints!

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Posted: July 22nd, 2006
at 4:53pm by black octagons

Categories: life,art,contemporary

Comments: 1 comment

This dude…

From Antarctica to Rwanda, Matt dances around the world to a€oeSweet Lullaby Dancing Remixa€A by Deep Forest.

Disclaimer: totally ridiculous.

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Posted: July 22nd, 2006
at 4:15pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease

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Wanna see Chris Tucker!!? I know I do!

Chris tucker on

So we got another mail from Xavier:

I kno it’s an amazing video… this connects with the last post i had with the n*ggas that are ninjas when i talked about my man chris tucker… well enjoy my fellow ninjas!!!!

And remember at the end of this clip my little ninjas make sure you say those magic words "ninja vanish," cuz that’s the last you’ll being seeing of Mr. Tucker.

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Posted: July 22nd, 2006
at 4:15pm by X Man

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,youtube,celebrity

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"Robotic Overlords" Now… Gross


"IT BEHAVES like a cockroach. It smells like a cockroach. It is accepted by other cockroaches.

But it is not a cockroach. It is a robot and scientists say that its invention is a breakthrough in mankinda€™s struggle to control the animal kingdom."

Damn… I know a few ninjas who behave like cockroaches too, but they ain’t robots.

link timesonline
via the register
Picture Link

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Posted: July 22nd, 2006
at 4:13pm by Bunnz

Categories: hood status,robots

Comments: 1 comment

Graffiti Ninja Weaponry!

In an effort to completely eliminate all graffiti artists, Mayor Bloomberg and Marc Ecko have funded research that has led to the invention of a ninja-less graffiti artist.AA If all goes according to plan, this machine will replace the ninjas, painting walls of the city by night while the NYPD eliminates all the real writers.AA Ninjas, heed this call! We must band together to master such technology so that our artists aren’t all deaded on.
"In a Beautiful Place Out in The Country"


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Posted: July 22nd, 2006
at 12:11pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: youtube,art

Comments: 2 comments

Zeekboogie - 2 Year Old Break Dancing Like a Spectre

This young ninja in training is a dancing machine. It’s pretty intense, really, so just make sure you’re prepared!

Check it out… on YouTube

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Posted: July 22nd, 2006
at 11:57am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: youtube,music,art,mnp is for the children

Comments: 1 comment