Archive for the ‘celebrity’ Category

Lindsay Lohan Leggings

As parents, we try to protect our little ninjas from the horrors of life - especially in this over-driven American pop-culture economy. And… we were doing a find job until Lindsay Lohan decided to go and design leggings with kneepads.

What?? Don’t look at me like that - I’m not making this up:


You don’t have to be as skinny as Lindsay to wear her leggings, or as crazy. But it helps.

We thought we had to wait until the end of August for the 6126 leggings line, oh-so-originally named for Marilyn Monroe’s birthday, to appear at Fred Segal. Hat tip to Perez Hilton for the great news that we can see the first four items and get them early, as in right this minute!

Yes, if you’ve been dying for a pair of shiny leggings…with built-in, quilted knee pads…named "Mr. President" (Finish the tasteless Friday joke: what’s the difference between an egg, meat and a ____ ___? Hint: you can’t beat it!) then today is your lucky day.

Get a look at the rest of this traumatic magic in the gallery, or head on over to shop intuition and place your order now, before they’re gone. Those leopard ankle gloves are going to fly off the shelves. Absolutely fly.


If you’re worried about what kind of message this is sending to the youth, you might be a chronic sufferer of a little known disease called common sense. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. There are as many as 5 Americans just like you!


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Posted: July 17th, 2008
at 8:52am by Black Ock

Categories: celebrity,too good to be true,clothes

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The world is upon us.


The world is upon us.


Bothersome like a whimsical thought of what is apparent of achievement and what needs to get done. To think for a second that what you want is what we want is right. And to think of the later is too late and gone to be done just right. Let us bring flight to those that cannot fly and blind those that can already see.


For in the long run it is us that stand in the way. It is us, the leaders that carry the torch from a land far away to enlighten and then frenzy an irreplaceable interconnectedness. The gates have opened. Signals and co-opted simplicity shed these lights and are only less manly than the comfortable tunnels of Winnipeg, Canadia. Moving on and progressing are the hardest of things, more dense then of the iron, brass, and cult copper that are forged together on a daily commotion.


Let us bring flight to those that cannot fly and blind those that can already see. I’ll see you in station and we will have fun.

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thanks for Stanky Plank for sending this in

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MY NINJA PLEASE! 7.3.08 : WorldsNest :: Habitat Universe


I’ll say it once, and I’ll say it again. DO NOT SLEEP ::: via WorldsNest

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Prospect Magazine : Top 25 Intellectuals


1 Fethullah GAAlen (*)

2 Muhammad Yunus (*)

3 Yusuf Al-Qaradawi (56)

4 Orhan Pamuk (54)

5 Aitzaz Ahsan (*)

6 Amr Khaled (*)

7 Abdolkarim Soroush (15)

8 Tariq Ramadan (58)

9 Mahmood Mamdani (*)

10 Shirin Ebadi (12)

11 Noam Chomsky (1)

12 Al Gore (*)

13 Bernard Lewis (34)

14 Umberto Eco (2)

15 Ayaan Hirsi Ali

16 Amartya Sen (8)

17 Fareed Zakaria (35)

18 Garry Kasparov (*)

19 Richard Dawkins (3)

20 Mario Vargas Llosa (29)

21 Lee Smolin (*)

22 JAArgen Habermas (7)

23 Salman Rushdie (10)

24 Sari Nusseibeh (65)

25 Slavoj Zizek (23)

Prospect Magazine

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Posted: July 2nd, 2008
at 6:54am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,celebrity,web,games,weaponry,fo' real?,9th dan,"ninja",et cetera,competitions

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2008 Chicago Street Soccer Cup

We are looking for a few good soccerus to play on a squad….drop a comment and the first 3 players will share in the trophy………..hit us with an e-mail too….

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Posted: June 25th, 2008
at 7:18pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,celebrity,home,games,9th dan,"ninja"

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Shaq Demoted


So, if you didn’t know already, Shaq got his honorary badge revoked for that little video we posted yesterday.AA Well… not because we posted it but because he did it and the word got out.AA Now instead of being an official Big Ninja with a Fake Badge he has been demoted to the title of simply Big Ninja.AA The removal of the badge actually helped his ninja-worthiness, though I’m not sure it curtailed his dream to one day actually be a lawman.AA Anyway, read below:

PHOENIX — Shaquille O’Neal will lose his special deputy’s badge in Maricopa County because of language he used in a rap video that mocks former teammate Kobe Bryant.

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said the Phoenix Suns center’s use of a racially derogatory word and other foul language left him no choice. Arpaio made Shaq a special deputy in 2006 and promoted him to colonel of his largely ceremonial posse later that year.

"I want his two badges back," Arpaio told The Associated Press on Tuesday. "Because if any one of my deputies did something like this, they’re fired. I don’t condone this type of racial conduct."

Shaq was seen in a video posted on the celebrity news and gossip Web site rapping that "Kobe couldn’t do without me." O’Neal skewers the Lakers’ star, with whom he won three straight NBA titles from 2000-2002 while with Los Angeles, for not being able to win a championship without him.

"I was freestyling. That’s all. It was all done in fun. Nothing serious whatsoever," O’Neal told Monday. A call to the Suns on Tuesday seeking comment from O’Neal was referred to his public relations firm, which didn’t immediately respond.

Arpaio, who describes himself as "America’s Toughest Sheriff" and is best known for feeding jail inmates green bologna, clothing them in pink underwear, and making them work on chain gangs, said he didn’t expect his actions would teach Shaq a lesson. But he hoped he learns that as a role model who wants to someday be a full-time sheriff, he needs to know his words matter.


Shaq also said something about winning his first championship and making a rap about Vlade Divacs (see below).AA Either which way, who the hell are they going to send to get those badges back.AA A badge wasn’t the only thing that made Shaq intimidating.AA At 7’1″ - 300 lbs. it could be believable to the average person if you told them Shaq ate their baby.

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Posted: June 25th, 2008
at 1:22pm by Black Ock

Categories: celebrity,too good to be true

Comments: 1 comment

Sorry Fellas - You’ve been Rondo’d

Commercials, presented without program interruption.

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For all of you who aren’t from around Boston and haven’t seen the three commercials, here you have it. If you don’t know what it’s referring to, you’ve obviously been Rondo’d. Obviously.

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Posted: June 23rd, 2008
at 10:57am by Black Ock

Categories: youtube,celebrity,apple,fo' real?,9th dan

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Celts in Six!!

Nothing much to say here - because you already know what it is. BTW, this must be the wildest post-game speech in the history of the NBA. I love this game.

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"That should be yo’ mantra - ommm, never let up.’

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Posted: June 18th, 2008
at 1:28pm by Black Ock

Categories: hood status,bling,celebrity,games,fo' real?,9th dan

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Cookin’ with Coolio #10

Quite the season finale.

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Posted: June 16th, 2008
at 11:21am by Black Ock

Categories: hood status,youtube,celebrity,too good to be true,grub,boredom killer

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