Archive for the ‘celebrity’ Category

My Ninja PLEASE ! 12.4.09

Homeless to illin’ with a couple billion. Seriously. Read the story below the break.


Two brothers who are so poor they live in a cave on the outskirts of Budapest and get by selling scavenged junk are in line to receive a $6.6 billion inheritance from a long-lost grandmother, the U.K. Daily Telegraph reports.

Zsolt and Geza Peladi have been informed that they are entitled to the fortune, along with a sister who lives in the United States the newspaper reported Wednesday.

Charity workers in Hungary passed on the good news to the brothers after being contacted by lawyers handling the estate of their maternal grandmother, who died recently in Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany, the Telegraph said.

"We knew our mother came from a wealthy family but she was a difficult person and severed ties with them, and then later abandoned us and we lost touch with her and our father until she eventually died," Geza Peladi, 43, was quoted as saying by ATV television in Hungary.

"If this all works out it will certainly make up for the life we have had until now - all we really had was each other - no women would look at us living in a cave," said Geza Peladi.

"But with money, maybe we can find a partner and finally have a normal life. We don’t know yet if she even told our grandmother about us. I understand it was only while they were carrying out genealogical research that lawyers found we existed."

Under German law, direct descendants are automatically entitled to a share of any estate. As the grandmother’s daughter is dead, the money goes to her grandchildren.



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Levar Burton’s 99 Problems


Really tho, this is pretty hilarious regardless - but for Geordi La Forge / Mr Reading Rainbow to link to it himself? Priceless.

.:via->Levar Burton’s Twitter feed

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Posted: November 16th, 2009
at 11:03pm by orangemenace

Categories: myninjaplease,life,celebrity,fo' real?,"ninja"

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The RZA & The Heart of Perfect Wisdom

rza_beyond shaolin

The RZA speaks on the Heart Sutra and Right Speech in an interview with the Shambhala Sun.

With his second book, The Tao of Wu, out this month, The RZA - leader of what is arguably the most important hip-hop group, The Wu-Tang Clan - recently spoke to the Shambhala Sun. Why? Well, the way of the RZA is one of embracing many religious practices and disciplines. A spiritual seeker, he first found real inspiration in the teachings of The Nation of Gods and Earths, but has since delved into Taoism, Christianity, Confucianism, and, yes, Buddhism - even visiting China’s famed Shaolin Temple.

In this Shambhala Sun Audio clip excerpted from a 45-minute conversation, the Wu-Tang mastermind speaks from his second home in California about Right Speech and how it might apply to rap, and expresses his admiration for Buddhism’s Heart Sutra.

.:via->Shambhala Sun

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Posted: November 10th, 2009
at 2:06pm by orangemenace

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Categories: music,life,celebrity,too good to be true,fo' real?,"ninja",10th dan,philosophy

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Jackson vs Bean

YouTube Preview Image

Personally, I’ve wondered who would win this matchup for AGES.

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Posted: November 4th, 2009
at 6:54pm by Black Ock

Categories: youtube,celebrity

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Jesus 2000

JESUS2000 from jesus 2000 on Vimeo.

Because sacrilege is oh-so entertaining…


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Posted: October 20th, 2009
at 10:09am by orangemenace

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Categories: myninjaplease,youtube,celebrity,film,fo' real?

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The Blueprint 3 Cover Art


So, I think I can see the Kanye influence here…

.:via-> The Boombox

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Posted: August 11th, 2009
at 7:22am by orangemenace

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Categories: music,celebrity,design

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Thank God for Maury

YouTube Preview Image

Or else what would we post…? Thanks to El Pres for posting this originally.

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Posted: July 13th, 2009
at 10:33am by Black Ock

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Categories: celebrity,tele

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Boston Herald: "Fade to Blacko"?

I’m not going to say that trying to be witty by combining ‘fade to black’ and ‘wacko jacko’ is itself definitely racist, as that would be a little overly sensitive, I think - but it’s definitely pretty ignorant and in poor taste. That said, it was the cover of the Boston Herald - which means it probably should be read as a racist remark. If nothing else, people should be wondering who in the hell runs that rag - considering this made it to press. I seriously believe this newspaper wants to be known for ignorant and hateful headlines - it’s sad.

The real reason I bring this up? I think it’s important that all you non-Bostonians out there understand what we’ll be stuck with if the Boston Globe and the NY Times don’t figure something out. I know that the Globe/Times story has been national news [at least if you read the Times], and I’m sure many of you didn’t care about the Globe’s future - but do you see what we’ll be stuck with if they close up shop? This is basically their standard stuff.

[Note: To be fair, the Herald doesn’t know any better - it’s a tabloid. But it will be the only newspaper in this bitch if the Globe goes under, which scares me.]

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Posted: June 27th, 2009
at 9:38am by orangemenace

Categories: life,celebrity,not ninja-worthy,fo' real?,real life news,health

Comments: 6 comments

Bruce Willis, Futuristic Sex0r

Now…I’m fully aware of these pics being real strange… but the photo spread is dope in a weird fifth element kind of way.  What I wasn’t aware of was that Bruce was such a sex symbol, but apparently he is.  In the spirit of ART FRIDAY, if the Rob0t Bunz is what you’re into - check out the link below.  [Ed. Note:  this is for all the moms out there who read myninjaplease!]

::[ Peep the semi-NSFW slideshow ]::

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Posted: June 19th, 2009
at 8:49am by Black Ock

Categories: celebrity,robots,photo,art fridays

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