Archive for the ‘interview’ tag

Studio Banana TV Interviews Toyo Ito

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Studio Banana TV interviews Japanese architectAToyo Ito on the occasion of his lecture at the European University of Madrid. Toyo Ito is one of the world's most innovative and influential architects. Ito is known for creating extreme concept buildings, in which he seeks to fuse the physical and virtual worlds. Interview realised with the sponsorship of theAEuropean University of Madrid.

Toyo Ito is a Japanese architect born in 1941. He graduated fromATokyo University'sADepartment of Architecture in 1965. His office Toyo Ito & Associates is a world leading exponent of architecture that addresses the contemporary notion of a 'simulated' ciy, and has been called "one of the world's most innovative and influential architects."



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Posted: February 26th, 2010
at 5:09am by orangemenace

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Categories: youtube,architecture

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The RZA & The Heart of Perfect Wisdom

rza_beyond shaolin

The RZA speaks on the Heart Sutra and Right Speech in an interview with the Shambhala Sun.

With his second book, The Tao of Wu, out this month, The RZA - leader of what is arguably the most important hip-hop group, The Wu-Tang Clan - recently spoke to the Shambhala Sun. Why? Well, the way of the RZA is one of embracing many religious practices and disciplines. A spiritual seeker, he first found real inspiration in the teachings of The Nation of Gods and Earths, but has since delved into Taoism, Christianity, Confucianism, and, yes, Buddhism - even visiting China’s famed Shaolin Temple.

In this Shambhala Sun Audio clip excerpted from a 45-minute conversation, the Wu-Tang mastermind speaks from his second home in California about Right Speech and how it might apply to rap, and expresses his admiration for Buddhism’s Heart Sutra.

.:via->Shambhala Sun

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Posted: November 10th, 2009
at 2:06pm by orangemenace

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Categories: music,life,celebrity,too good to be true,fo' real?,"ninja",10th dan,philosophy

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A Dozen : Mark Khaisman

Welcome again to ART Fridays! To commence our new feature, A Dozen, MNP would like to share an interview that we had with Mark Khaisman- definitely a ninja. Orangemenace previously featured his brown tape art, and now Mark reveals what he’s up to, as well as introducing to the masses his newer video tape art. In addition you can now purchase his art on ContemporaryMNP! Enjoy.


How did growing up in the former USSR mold you as an artist?

As an artist, I believe in working against the system.

I was a part of the generation whose intuition, even when we were the school students, was anticipating the end of empire. In my case, along with the mistrust of authority and the values taught in schools, this anticipation meant an overall skepticism, disbelief in the possibility of a career, and an increased interest in the Russian past and the Western present. When I started walking on the other side of the world, I couldn't help observing the Paradox: there, in my old country, I experienced more freedom than the free one. The reason was the stage of the late decay of the dying empire with fewer people believing in the system and therefore less overall enthusiasm in supporting its conforming forces. People not buying into the official values felt less isolated, than in the realm of the "American dream."

How does your knowledge of architecture effect your perception?

My tape paintings are part calculation, part accident. My training as an architect gave me a slightly different perspective on art, to think about art in a broader way, tied to an historical context, and considered also as a construction, and a piece of consumption culture.

What materials do you find yourself using?

For the last 5 -6 years I am concentrating on packing tape. Now I am starting to introduce tape works in video.


What relationship does photography have to your creative process?

In a way my art is not original, only the material is original. I see myself more as a performer than a creator. My works are image based. That's why a photograph is usually my starting point.

Can you please explain what "Patternworks" is?

My Paternworks is a simple digital mirroring of selected slivers from found photographs, which transforms the original photograph into something very unexpected.

What is "Tapeworks'?

My tapeworks are large archetypal representational images, made from layer upon layer of translucent packing tape, applied to clear Plexiglas and placed in front of a light box to give the image shadow and depth.

Can you explain what you mean when you say you use an 'anti-matter' approach to the image?

I mean creating image out of packaging tape - Breaking the image into pixels, layers, converting matter into a visual illusion.

How accessible are your works to the average citizen?

I think that the interest in my works by popular culture publications, like yours for example, speaks for itself.

In what settings would you like to see your art displayed?



What do you see yourself working on in the future?

Besides my tapeworks I am interested in videos, with the use of packaging tape as animating material.

Who inspires/d you to actualize your conceptions?

Good artists, also, pride, jealousy, mortality…

When do you think a piece is finally finished?

I feel that work is completed when I no longer understand how it's done.

:: images courtesy of Mark Khaisman ::

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Posted: July 10th, 2009
at 8:00am by Koookiecrumbles

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Categories: contemporary,a dozen

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