My Ninja, Please! 4.10.12: Orioles Lose to… Who?

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Baltimore Orioles manager Buck Showalter termed the event a "controlled scrimmage." The opponent used pitchers (including left-hander Tsuyoshi Wada) and a catcher from the Orioles roster. Major league stars such as J.J. Hardy, Adam Jones and Matt Wieters took only a couple of turns apiece at the plate and played about five innings. And the adversaries played for eight innings total, not a full regulation game.

With that context — perhaps you call it "spin" — understood, there’s no other way to put this: A community college team beat the Baltimore Orioles on Tuesday. (read the rest here)

What even is there to say here except… MY NINJA, PLEASE!


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Posted: April 10th, 2012
at 12:41pm by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,not ninja-worthy,games,unclear on the concept

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