Archive for the ‘real life news’ Category

Attack of the Pooh Bear


TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese police have arrested a 20-year-old man who attacked and robbed two people after they stared at his Winnie-the-Pooh costume, officials said on Tuesday.

Masayuki Ishikawa was hanging out on a Tokyo street corner after midnight last month while wearing the cuddly costume, accompanied by two friends dressed as a mouse and a panther, when he took offense at being stared at, police said.

"It’s uncommon to see people dressed up like this, so the victims were watching them. Then the perpetrator came up and said ‘What are you staring at?'" a police spokesman said.

Ishikawa and his friends beat up the two victims and stole $160 from them, the spokesman said, adding the group had apparently donned the unusual garb because they had run out of clean clothes.

Killin’ me.

::Ed. Note: MNP cannot be certain if this Pooh pictured above is [or is not] the attacker, as everyone in a Winnie the Pooh costume looks the same. Our advice - stay clear of any adult who dresses like a giant yellow bear that’s apparently sold his pants to satiate his honey addiction::

via Reuters


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Posted: August 12th, 2008
at 11:24am by orangemenace

Categories: myninjaplease,fo' real?,real life news

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colbert for pres


Is Steven Colbert - one of the few journalists who are also ninjas, as ridiculous as that may sound - running for president? We here at MNP thought he had dropped out of the race months ago, but the good people at Marvel Comics apparently decided otherwise.



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Posted: August 8th, 2008
at 8:39am by orangemenace

Categories: myninjaplease,apple,politricks,fo' real?,real life news

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Paris for Pres

See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die

Worst thing is, her energy plan is actually better than McCain’s…

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Posted: August 7th, 2008
at 11:37am by orangemenace

Categories: myninjaplease,youtube,celebrity,politricks,fo' real?,real life news

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Ginger Ninjas : Pleasant Revolution Tour

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look out for the ginger ninjas in ’09

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Posted: August 6th, 2008
at 5:55am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,youtube,music,weaponry,fo' real?,real life news,walk the earf

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When Pigs Attack

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For starters - MNP doesn’t have some adolescent issue with the police. The fact just is, some cops are assholes. And, unfortunately for every other decent officer, an asshole cop is worse than an asshole in most other professions. For instance - an asshole architect? She/he can be condescending, and…elitist. That’s about it. An asshole teacher can fail you, an asshole chef can spit in your food, an asshole blogger can verbally attack you online…but an asshole cop can do what this one did - knock you off a moving bicycle and beat your ass. Sure, he got stripped of his badge and gun - but only after this ninja got got and then spent 26 hours in jail for ‘resisting arrest’, aka ‘trying to protect himself from getting an un-provoked ass-kicking by an asshole’.

How dare he. What a punk. Next time I see a guy on a bike, I think I’ll knock him off too.
Oh, and they were riding the bikes for Critical Mass - a green biking movement. What bad-asses. If we don’t stop them now, who knows what they’ll do next.

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Posted: July 29th, 2008
at 10:13am by orangemenace

Categories: myninjaplease,youtube,life,green,not ninja-worthy,fo' real?,real life news

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Outfoxed - Documentary

"Outfoxed" examines how media empires, led by Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News, have been running a "race to the bottom" in television news. This film provides an in-depth look at Fox News and the dangers of ever-enlarging corporations taking control of the public’s right to know.

The film explores Murdoch’s burgeoning kingdom and the impact on society when a broad swath of media is controlled by one person.

Media experts, including Jeff Cohen (FAIR) Bob McChesney (Free Press), Chellie Pingree (Common Cause), Jeff Chester (Center for Digital Democracy) and David Brock (Media Matters) provide context and guidance for the story of Fox News and its effect on society.

This documentary also reveals the secrets of Former Fox news producers, reporters, bookers and writers who expose what it’s like to work for Fox News.AA These former Fox employees talk about how they were forced to push a "right-wing" point of view or risk their jobs. Some have even chosen to remain anonymous in order to protect their current livelihoods. As one employee said "There’s no sense of integrity as far as having a line that can’t be crossed." [via]

As a wise ninja once said, ‘Know your enemy’. In the case of Fox News, ‘knowing’ may put you at risk of falling victim to the fake news and it’s ignorance - so tread lightly.

Outfoxed is a documentary by Robert Greenwald which investigates the political agenda of the Fox cable news channel, it’s methods, talking heads, etc. Basically, the film shows you just how serious Fox really is about disseminating ignorance and hate - and pushing it’s own political agenda.

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Posted: July 28th, 2008
at 2:00pm by orangemenace

Categories: youtube,film,politricks,fo' real?,real life news,documentary,mnp features

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NaS on Colbert Report

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Nothing says ‘thug life’ more than a clearly worded argument, submitted in writing and signed by concerned citizens

~ Steven Colbert on NaS and the ColorofChange petition

Well, if you’re a ninja -and I assume you are, since you’re reading this - then you probably think Fox is racist too. Why not sign the petition yourself - and fight the fake news.

After Senator Obama won the Democratic nomination, he and his wife gave each other a "pound" in front of the camerasa€"a Fox anchor called it a "terrorist fist jab." Then last week, a Fox News on-screen graphic referred to Michelle Obama as "Obama’s baby mama"a€"an attempt to associate the Obamas with racist stereotypes.

Tell Fox News chief Roger Ailes to stop racism before it hits the airwaves, and make it clear that you’ll take action when another racist smear happens

Not to mention all the other racism and hate directed at Obama and anyone else they discuss on Fox who isn’t ‘white’. While on the subject, have you seen Outfoxed yet?

And oh yeah - the new NaS album is DOPE. But more on that later.

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Posted: July 26th, 2008
at 1:17pm by orangemenace

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,youtube,music,life,celebrity,politricks,weaponry,fo' real?,real life news,"ninja"

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The Phoenix Lights - Documentary

It’s not Monday right now, but it’s definitely time for a documentary. This one is about the so-called "Phoenix Lights." Some of you may remember this fiasco, with literally hundreds of people around Phoenix reporting seeing some sort of huge mega-craft with flashing lights. At the time, the then governor held a press conference disclaiming and, basically, mocking the entire thing. Several years after his tenure we learned straight from the horse’s mouth that he was strongly encouraged by the powers that be to hold this conference.

Anyway, this is supposed to be a good documentary. Judge for yourself what happened. Continually, after the fact, we find that UFO sightings turn out to be government activities (or Nazi’s) that go unnoticed, save for by the shrewd few who happen to be looking at whatever part of the mostly deserted sky. Test pilots for new technologies are often seen laughing on the documentaries ten years later about how everybody freaked out they first time they saw a stealth bomber. On the other hand, as we’ve reported to you in the past, many fighter pilots and astronauts - directly from the glory days of American sky dominance - including Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon, have reported seeing unexplained airborne… vehicles.

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Posted: July 23rd, 2008
at 8:42am by Black Ock

Categories: fo' real?,real life news,documentary

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Buildings in Motion

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more at weburbanist

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