Archive for the ‘gear’ Category

Eyeglass Display + Wearable Tech

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German researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems have created a head-mounted microdisplay - embedded in a pair of glasses. The setup will allow users to access and manipulate data with simple eye movements.

The [CMOS] chip measuring 19.3 by 17 millimeters is fitted on the prototype eyeglasses behind the hinge on the temple. From the temple the image on the microdisplay is projected onto the retina of the user so that it appears to be viewed from a distance of about one meter. The image has to outshine the ambient light to ensure that it can be seen clearly against changing and highly contrasting backgrounds. For this reason the research scientists use OLEDs, organic light-emitting diodes, to produce microdisplays of particularly high luminance.

Scroll around and manipulate menus and data with a flick of the eye, by focusing on a word or image? Sounds siiick to me…


Now, imagine something like the glasses, combined somehow with the wearable gestural interface being developed by MIT’s Media Lab [shown in video, below].

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More on this technology being developed by MIT - SixthSense: Wearable Gestural Interface at AMNP.


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Posted: June 4th, 2009
at 2:30pm by orangemenace

Categories: youtube,computers,life,too good to be true,gear,design,fo' real?,real life news,internets

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The Mikiphone: Precursor to the i-pod?

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a€oeThe Swiss Mikiphone, circa 1930, is probably the best of all the miniature gramophones produced in the first half of the twentieth century. The folding pocket gramophone when closed resembles a large pocket watch. All the parts apart from the winding handle are stored inside the case which when closed has a diameter of just 4.5a€A (11.5 cm) by under 2a€A thick (4.7 cm). The turntable is only just over 4a€A in diameter (10.4 cm) and the records are held in place with a push on clamp. The celluloid a€horna€™ is in two parts and is also stored within the case.a€A

.::Brass Goggles ->

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Posted: June 4th, 2009
at 1:33pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,music,apple,gear

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Not Exactly A ‘Thumb’ Drive…


Yes, this is for real - a Finnish software developer Jerry Jalava [who lost his ring-finger in an accident] has replaced his finger with a USB thumb drive.

My ninjas, PLEASE.

Concealed under the prosthetic fingernail is a 2GB USB drive, ready to pop into any computer. And no, the USB finger isn’t permanently attached to his hand. Kinda disturbing if you happen to share a computer with him.

Always the developer, Javala is looking to upgrade his finger with wireless technology, RFID tag, and more storage. Just think a€" a Bluetooth finger.

.:via -> DVICE

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Posted: March 27th, 2009
at 11:34am by orangemenace

Categories: myninjaplease,life,gear,fo' real?,real life news

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Weapons-Grade Lasers


Huge news for real-life ray guns: Electric lasers have hit battlefield strength for the first time — paving the way for energy weapons to go to war.

In recent test-blasts, Pentagon-researchers at Northrop Grumman managed to get its 105 kilowatts of power out of their laser — past the "100kW threshold [that] has been viewed traditionally as a proof of principle for ‘weapons grade’ power levels for high-energy lasers," Northrop’s vice president of directed energy systems, Dan Wildt, said in a statement.

That much power won’t get you a Star Wars-style blaster. But it should be more than enough to zap the mortars and rockets that insurgents have used to pound American bases in Iraq and Afghanistan.

.: real-life ray guns -> via WIRED

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Posted: March 20th, 2009
at 5:43am by orangemenace

Categories: myninjaplease,weaponry,gear,fo' real?,real life news,science

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Apple Finally Fixes iPhone OS


It doesn’t sound perfect - but little things like cut/copy/paste and landscape typing in email are a HUGE deal for us iPhone users, and are much appreciated. It’s nice to have all the feature a normal phone has, finally. Here are some of the new features that will appear in the iPhone 3.0 OS, expected sometime this summer:

Cut/Copy and Paste: The system will work by double-tapping or dragging across text, selecting cut, copy or paste in the bubble above it, and then using a similar routine to paste it into another place, or across applications.

Landscape typing in Apple Apps: Now you can turn your iPhone on its side and type with a larger touchscreen keyboards, a feature that was available in some situations but not in email. Finally.

MMS: the widely adopted Multimedia Messaging System will now work on the iPhone, letting you attach photos or audio clips to text messages for instant, you-are-there fun. You can also forward and delete messages.

Search: Last year Apple added search for contacts, and now there will be the ability to search your email, calendars, iTunes, and notes. Also added will be Spotlight, letting you search across the iPhone for a keyword.

Push Notification: While Apple promised one-way background functionality ("push notification") last year but never delivered, Apple’s SVP of iPhone software Scott Forstall says he means it this time.

Modified Google Maps application: now lets developers use Google Maps in their apps. But the big news is this will allow "turn-by-turn" applications, bringing GPS navigation to the iPhone. However, because of licensing issues, developers will be required to provide the maps.

Modified Google Maps application: now lets developers use Google Maps in their apps. But the big news is this will allow "turn-by-turn" applications, bringing GPS navigation to the iPhone. However, because of licensing issues, developers will be required to provide the maps.

Stereo Bluetooth: Inexplicably missing on the iPhone, now you’ll be able to listen to stereo music over Bluetooth. Still missing: wireless synching via Bluetooth. The bad news? This stereo Bluetooth goodness and MMS won’t work on iPhone 1.0.

More at DVICE [link below]

.:Apple previews iPhone OS 3.0, featuring cut, copy and paste -> via DVICE

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Posted: March 19th, 2009
at 1:41pm by orangemenace

Categories: apple,cell phones,gear,real life news

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The Man with the Bionic Eye

EYEBORG- The Two Week Trial from eyeborg on Vimeo.

Take a one eyed film maker, an unemployed engineer, and a vision for something that’s never been done before and you have yourself the EyeBorg Project. Rob Spence, Kosta Grammatis and a team of others are trying to make history by embedding a video camera and a transmitter in a prosthetic eye. That eye is going in Robs eye socket, and will record the world from a perspective that’s never been seen before.

.:The Eyeborg Project->

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Posted: March 18th, 2009
at 1:41pm by orangemenace

Categories: myninjaplease,youtube,life,robots,film,weaponry,gear,fo' real?,real life news,"ninja",diy

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R2D2 Ghettoblaster


This thing is just awesome looking - and I want one.

So should you.

R2D2 Ghettoblaster -> via

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Posted: February 27th, 2009
at 7:30am by orangemenace

Categories: too good to be true,gear,design,fo' real?

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Futura Wallies


Some custom Wallabees designed by Futura, via Sneaker Freaker.

.:buy now -> via SCHUH

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Posted: February 25th, 2009
at 7:13am by orangemenace

Categories: clothes,gear,design

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Logical Plastic

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Watch out Kindle [and Kindle2] - Plastic Logic has an all-plastic e-reader making its debut. This thing is larger than the Kindle, which is nice - and much sleeker in terms of aesthetics [buttons are for chumps]. Older news from Plastic Logic showcased a flexible screen - maybe in the second generation model.

.: Plastic Logic Reader ->

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Posted: February 16th, 2009
at 10:00am by orangemenace

Categories: youtube,computers,gear

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