Not Exactly A ‘Thumb’ Drive…

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Yes, this is for real - a Finnish software developer Jerry Jalava [who lost his ring-finger in an accident] has replaced his finger with a USB thumb drive.

My ninjas, PLEASE.

Concealed under the prosthetic fingernail is a 2GB USB drive, ready to pop into any computer. And no, the USB finger isn’t permanently attached to his hand. Kinda disturbing if you happen to share a computer with him.

Always the developer, Javala is looking to upgrade his finger with wireless technology, RFID tag, and more storage. Just think a€" a Bluetooth finger.

.:via -> DVICE


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Posted: March 27th, 2009
at 11:34am by orangemenace

Categories: myninjaplease,life,gear,fo' real?,real life news

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