Apple Finally Fixes iPhone OS

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It doesn’t sound perfect - but little things like cut/copy/paste and landscape typing in email are a HUGE deal for us iPhone users, and are much appreciated. It’s nice to have all the feature a normal phone has, finally. Here are some of the new features that will appear in the iPhone 3.0 OS, expected sometime this summer:

Cut/Copy and Paste: The system will work by double-tapping or dragging across text, selecting cut, copy or paste in the bubble above it, and then using a similar routine to paste it into another place, or across applications.

Landscape typing in Apple Apps: Now you can turn your iPhone on its side and type with a larger touchscreen keyboards, a feature that was available in some situations but not in email. Finally.

MMS: the widely adopted Multimedia Messaging System will now work on the iPhone, letting you attach photos or audio clips to text messages for instant, you-are-there fun. You can also forward and delete messages.

Search: Last year Apple added search for contacts, and now there will be the ability to search your email, calendars, iTunes, and notes. Also added will be Spotlight, letting you search across the iPhone for a keyword.

Push Notification: While Apple promised one-way background functionality ("push notification") last year but never delivered, Apple’s SVP of iPhone software Scott Forstall says he means it this time.

Modified Google Maps application: now lets developers use Google Maps in their apps. But the big news is this will allow "turn-by-turn" applications, bringing GPS navigation to the iPhone. However, because of licensing issues, developers will be required to provide the maps.

Modified Google Maps application: now lets developers use Google Maps in their apps. But the big news is this will allow "turn-by-turn" applications, bringing GPS navigation to the iPhone. However, because of licensing issues, developers will be required to provide the maps.

Stereo Bluetooth: Inexplicably missing on the iPhone, now you’ll be able to listen to stereo music over Bluetooth. Still missing: wireless synching via Bluetooth. The bad news? This stereo Bluetooth goodness and MMS won’t work on iPhone 1.0.

More at DVICE [link below]

.:Apple previews iPhone OS 3.0, featuring cut, copy and paste -> via DVICE


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Posted: March 19th, 2009
at 1:41pm by orangemenace

Categories: apple,cell phones,gear,real life news

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