Robotech: Seeding the Protoculture
Carl Macek and his creation, the fusion that was Robotech at
Posted: May 6th, 2010
at 3:38pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: art,robots,9th dan,development,tele
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EMBIIMOB Training - The Blue Movements
EMBIIMOB is invading Chicago and they need your help for an art performance piece from Fargo…We posted the red movements earlier, now here are the blue.
This is happening April 30th at 5-pm at Caffe Baci (after NEXT and across the river) - check out their training page!

The Details:
Definition: "EMBIIMOB is a platform allowing artists and performers to participate in or create large spontaneous synchronized events. EMBIIMOB performers breathe life into an artist's work… experiencing it as it happens… not knowing what to expect or how it will end"
An EMBIIMOB Event has three Key elements:
-A series of pre - learned 16 count dance movements.
-The ability to transmit these movements and give verbal instruction to performers without the audiences knowledge.
-A huge crowd of performers willing to succumb to the commands , creating a remarkable experience for their audience and for themselves.
Posted: April 19th, 2010
at 8:24pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: myninjaplease,robots,contemporary,real life news,"ninja",et cetera,events
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Meltable Brain Recording Device
Scientists have developed a brain implant that essentially melts into place, snugly fitting to the brain’s surface. The technology could pave the way for better devices to monitor and control seizures, and to transmit signals from the brain past damaged parts of the spinal cord.
"These implants have the potential to maximize the contact between electrodes and brain tissue, while minimizing damage to the brain. They could provide a platform for a range of devices with applications in epilepsy, spinal cord injuries and other neurological disorders," said Walter Koroshetz, M.D., deputy director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), part of the National Institutes of Health.
MNP! Kim Jong-Il : Trendsetter?
The robot man with magical powers whoAis said once to have scored 11 holes-in-one in a single round of golf and was born amongst rainbows on the sacred Mount Paekdu is now part of a new claim.
Pyongyang’s official website is saying that Kim Jong-Il’s modest-looking suits have become a global vogue.
My ninja please!
Posted: April 15th, 2010
at 7:52am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,celebrity,clothes,robots,design,9th dan,"ninja"
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Time to Rethink Design
David Carlson of the David Report has released a new trend look at the state of a full design world. Design contamination has taken over an expertise that is barely 100 years old; new products are simply the variations of old themes- (conceptual design, new articulations of the same, design signatures and design as art).
However if we are able to get back to using aging products and making design matter in a lifecycle, there is a cleaner horizon.
Designer Naoto Fukasawa: "I understand that myArole is about enhancing our living…. I've become moreAattached to the current life, and have started considering the betterment of our lives in a reality where we allAbelong, rather than predicting what could happen".
We need new storytellers:
Fred Alan Wolf - The Dreaming Universe (1994):A"Aboriginals believe in two forms of time: two parallelAstreams of activity. One is the daily objective activity,Athe other is an infinite spiritual cycle, called dreamtime,Amore real than reality itself…".
Carlson poses a great question, how do we A"change old habits and not to perpetuate the sales argument that the main role of designAis added value."
Read the full report in one of three forms: PDF, Flip Through Version or Text
Posted: March 25th, 2010
at 2:44pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,bling,computers,music,life,art,too good to be true,green,web,not ninja-worthy,cell phones,home,clothes,business,whips,robots,film,mnp is for the children,politricks,weaponry,gear,architecture,photo,design,real life news,science,"ninja",et cetera,diy,development,philanthropy,tele,health,bikes,philosophy,ethics
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EMBIIMOB - Chicago
EMBIIMOB is looking for participants for a evolutionary flashmob that is taking place in conjunction with Allen Vandever’s international art debut at NEXT 2010 among others. Over the next few days we will be posting some web friendly videos as well as some training videos for ninjas that want to succumb to EMBIIMOB!

Music by: Sovereign Sect (ill)
Video by: Sean Fahey of Endless Eye
Posted: March 20th, 2010
at 7:40pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: myninjaplease,art,web,robots,"ninja",et cetera,ninjas are everyehere
Comments: 1 comment
Digital Design Sensations
Decode: Digital Design Sensations from Victoria and Albert Museum on Vimeo.
Posted: March 19th, 2010
at 7:09am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: myninjaplease,youtube,computers,life,art,too good to be true,web,robots,weaponry,design,fo' real?,real life news,science,diy,internets
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Brainwashed: Seven Ways to Reinvent
"Years ago, when you were about four years old, the system set out to persuade you of something that isn't true.
Not just persuade, but drill, practice, reinforce, and yes, brainwash.
The mission: to teach you that you're average. That compliant work is the best way to a reliable living. That creating average stuff for average people, again and again, is a safe and easy way to get what you want.
Step out of line and the system would nudge (or push) you back to the center. Show signs of real creativity, originality or even genius, and well-meaning parents, teachers and authority figures would eagerly line up to get you back in line.
Our culture needed compliant workers, people who would contribute without complaint, and we set out to create as many of them as we could.
And so generations of students turned into generations of cogs, factory workers in search of a sinecure. We were brainwashed into fitting in, and then discovered that the economy wanted people who stood out instead.
When exactly were we brainwashed into believing that the best way to earn a living is to have a job?
I think each one of us needs to start with that."
.:View this manifesto at>
Posted: February 28th, 2010
at 6:13pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,life,art,business,robots,politricks,weaponry,9th dan,boredom killer,"ninja",et cetera,diy,blogs,internets
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Armin Krishnan and Autonomous Robots
At the Moral Machines blog, Armin Krishnan, Visiting Professor for Security Studies at the University of Texas at El Paso and author of Killer Robots: Legality and Ethicality of Autonomous Robots was interviewed by Gerhard Dabringer.
In your recent book "Killer Robots: The Legality and Ethicality of Autonomous Weapons" you explore the ethical and legal challenges of the use of unmanned systems by the military. What would be your main findings?
The legal and ethical issues involved are very complex. I found that the existing legal and moral framework for war as defined by the laws of armed conflict and Just War Theory is utterly unprepared for dealing with many aspects of robotic warfare. I think it would be difficult to argue that robotic or autonomous weapons are already outlawed by international law. What does international law actually require? It requires that noncombatants are protected and that force is used proportionately and only directed against legitimate targets. Current autonomous weapons are not capable of generally distinguishing between legitimate and illegitimate targets, but does this mean that the technology could not be used discriminatively at all, or that the technology will not improve to an extent that it is as good or even better in deciding which targets to attack than a human? Obviously not. How flawless would the technology be required to work, anyway? Should we demand a hundred percent accuracy in targeting decisions, which would be absurd only looking at the most recent Western interventions in Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq, where large numbers of civilians died as a result of bad human decisions and flawed conventional weapons that are perfectly legal. Could not weapons that are more precise and intelligent than present ones represent a progress in terms of humanizing war?
I don’t think that there is at the moment any serious legal barrier for armed forces to introduce robotic weapons, even weapons that are highly automated and capable of making own targeting decisions. It would depend on the particular case when they are used to determine whether this particular use violated international law, or not. The development and possession of autonomous weapons is clearly not in principle illegal and more than 40 states are developing such weapons, indicating some confidence that legal issues and concerns could be resolved in some way. More interesting are ethical questions that go beyond the formal legality. For sure, legality is important, but it is not everything. Many things or behaviors that are legal are certainly not ethical. So one could ask, if autonomous weapons can be legal would it also be ethical to use them in war, even if they were better at making targeting decisions than humans? While the legal debate on military robotics focuses mostly on existing or likely future technological capabilities, the ethical debate should focus on a very different issue, namely the question of fairness and ethical appropriateness. I am aware that "fairness" is not a requirement of the laws of armed conflict and it may seem odd to bring up that point at all. Political and military decision-makers who are primarily concerned about protecting the lives of soldiers they are responsible for clearly do not want a fair fight. This is a completely different matter for the soldiers who are tasked with fighting wars and who have to take lives when necessary. Unless somebody is a psychopath, killing without risk is psychologically very difficult. Teleoperators of the armed Predator UAVs actually seem to suffer from higher levels of stress than jet pilots who fly combat missions. Remote controlling or rather supervising robotic weapons is not a job well suited for humans or a job soldiers would particularly like to do. So why not just leave tactical targeting decisions to an automated system (provided it is reliable enough) and avoid this psychological problem? This brings the problem of emotional disengagement from what is happening on the battlefield and the problem of moral responsibility, which I think is not the same as legal responsibility. Autonomous weapons are devices rather than tools. They are placed on the battlefield and do whatever they are supposed to do (if we are lucky). The soldiers who deploy these weapons are reduced to the role of managers of violence, who will find it difficult to ascribe individual moral responsibility to what these devices do on the battlefield. Even if the devices function perfectly and only kill combatants and only attack legitimate targets, we will not feel ethically very comfortable if the result is a one-sided massacre. Any attack by autonomous weapons that results in death could look like a massacre and ethically difficult to justify, even if the target somehow deserved it. No doubt, it will be ethically very challenging to find acceptable roles and missions for military robots, especially for the more autonomous ones. In the worst case, warfare could indeed develop into something in which humans only figure as targets and victims and not as fighters and deciders. In the best case, military robotics could limit violence and fewer people will have to suffer from war and its consequences. In the long term, the use of robots and robotic devices by the military and society will most likely force us to rethink our relationship with the technology we use to achieve our ends. Robots are not ordinary tools, but they have the potential for exhibiting genuine agency and intelligence. At some point soon, society will need to consider the question of what are ethically acceptable uses of robots. Though "robot rights" still look like a fantasy, soldiers and other people working with robots are already responding emotionally to these machines. They bond with them and they sometimes attribute to the robots the ability to suffer. There could be surprising ethical implications and consequences for military uses of robots.
You can read the rest here.
Posted: January 15th, 2010
at 3:17pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: robots,blogs,ethics
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