Archive for the ‘clothes’ Category

The Ruskis Are Back - And With Invisibility Cloaks (What is this, D&D?)

Dr. find lasix on internet Jayne Morgan, a cardiologist and clinical director of the Covid methotrexate online Task Force at the Piedmont Healthcare Corporation in Atlanta, GA, purchase discount methotrexate sale also not involved in the study, told MNT, "Silent brain buy generic cialis cost oral infarcts, like silent heart attacks, do damage to tissue and order discount atrovent online effects cells, regardless of symptomatology, or lack thereof. Parents and caregivers viagra no rx may help encourage children and adolescents to continue with therapy, buy viagra online support their consumption of regular meals, and help them adopt buy no rx viagra new coping strategies. It can raise your risk for serious advair sale infection that may need treatment in the hospital or be zithromax sale free pharmacy life threatening. Avolition is one of the negative symptoms of discount viagra without prescription schizophrenia, which includes withdrawal from the world, diminished pleasure, and emotion..

An excerpt from the article from MosNews:

"A professor from the department of quantum and optical electronics of the Ulyanovsk State University in western Russia has patented a method of making things invisible, Interfax news agency reported.

The so-called invisibility cloak, created by Oleg Gadomsky, is called a€oeThe method of conversion of optical radiationa€A in the patent."

(Ed: Whoa. Wait. Waht? The future is today. Now I just need to buy them out and world domination is imminent. Until then, I’m dedicating all of my efforts to obtaining one of these invisibility cloaks. See y’all later - hopefully you won’t see me.)


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Posted: August 4th, 2006
at 3:58pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: bling,too good to be true,clothes,weaponry,gear

Comments: 3 comments

Babylon a Vampire

ninja vampire fangs

From the new clothing line Selector comes these ill reggae-inspired shirts. Keep an eye out for them, but don’t get this one because I’m picking it up today.


available at reed space in nyc or digital gravel online

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Posted: August 4th, 2006
at 6:10am by Black Ock

Categories: bling,clothes,gear

Comments: 1 comment

Ninja, why don’t you got a iPod yet? Son, iPoor!

Ninja, iPoor!

This goes out to all y’all ninjas on the hustle day in day out while cats walk by left and white with their pretty little white headphones. You have two options:

1) Be ninja-ish and rob them


2) Be even more ninja-ish and cop this shirt

via HighT3ch

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Posted: July 31st, 2006
at 4:11pm by Black Ock

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,bling,life,clothes

Comments: 2 comments

Do You Have Mirrors in Your Bikini?

Cuz I can see myself in it… no seriously, chill with the glare, chick.

In what will undoubtedly prove to be one of the greatest inventions of 2006, is proud to present to you the UV Metering Bikini.AA What it does is just that, measures how scorching the sun’s rays are and let’s you know when to get the hell outAA(which some of ya’ll farer ninjas need to work on, btw).AA This is truly revolutionary people.AA Go order it, ninjas! Until then, stay away from lobster-back Becky.

[ed: I think I can almost see a tidbit of…]

Article Via: Engadget

Posted: July 26th, 2006
at 12:19pm by black octagons

Categories: bling,clothes,weaponry

Comments: No comments

Ninjas do, in fact, sleep…

So when you’re getting your precious ninja rest on, it’s understandable that you would need someone (or something) to guard the

That’s where my main ninja Room Defender comes in. Trained in a variety of martial arts, dance techniques and broadway show tunes, Room Defender is a snazzy little killing machine with soul.

In the $45 dollar version though, the features are fairly limited.AA You forfeit the heatseeking missiles and the full anti-aircraft arsenal for something far more important: a compact carry-on size.AA The Room Defender, armed with a motion sensor and projectile foam discs, will attack any intruder into your space.
"Just place this little guy toward the door, watch & wait.AA Once someone comes within a few feet, the room defendera€™s motion sensors react with a salvo of 16 foam disks hurled at the intruder."

via bLavish

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Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 2:47am by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,life,home,clothes,robots

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Yo Son, Run That Soundwalk

Besides the fact that you could get jacked for this if you walk through our Dojo at night, the Soundwalk speaker harness looks like exactly the gear for any true urban-sherpa type. You can click the link if you want all the technical details and whatnot, but basically this piece has speakers in it so you can bump your tunes from your favorite DAP. I guess ideally you would rock this underneath your gi. I hope it got a mute button for stealth mode.

The Soundwalk Speaker Harness
Or read the source article at Red Ferret

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Posted: July 14th, 2006
at 11:23pm by black octagons

Categories: hood status,bling,music,life,clothes

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Mark Ecko is a Punk-Ass Bitch!!!

Hip-hop fashion designer and official herb Mark Ecko, in an interview with Wired, explains why he supports NYC Mayor Bloomberg’s anti-graffiti, anti-youth measures. This is a dude who made millions exploiting the graffiti culture! Needless to say, he sounds like a complete jackass…

Here’s an excerpt:

"Wired: Given that both your clothing line and videogame celebrate graffiti culture, some might see your crusade as self-serving.

Ecko: Ita€™s completely self-serving. Therea€™s nothing hidden about it. Why is it OK for Procter & Gamble, which owns the Pampers brand, to advocate for all things family and baby? I have commercial interests, too. Nike funds an after-school sports program. Is that self-serving?"

read the full interview on Wired

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Posted: July 14th, 2006
at 11:44am by Black Ock

Categories: hood status,life,celebrity,art,crime,clothes

Comments: 2 comments