Ninja, why don’t you got a iPod yet? Son, iPoor!

Ninja, iPoor!

This goes out to all y’all ninjas on the hustle day in day out while cats walk by left and white with their pretty little white headphones. You have two options:

1) Be ninja-ish and rob them


2) Be even more ninja-ish and cop this shirt

via HighT3ch


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Posted: July 31st, 2006
at 4:11pm by Black Ock

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,bling,life,clothes

Comments: 2 comments


2 Responses to 'Ninja, why don’t you got a iPod yet? Son, iPoor!'

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  1. […] This is for you ninjas who almost copped the iPoor t-shirt but instead pinched your pennies and actually got the real thing. A pretty self-explanatory do-it-yourself iPod boombox. Not the cleanest ever, but definitely easy and functional. Just call it the iHoodbox. You know mine would have subs though, but I guess I’m just a ninja. […]


  2. iPoor Status: We are back in stock but 60% SOLD!

    Yep we are back in stock! But thanks to my wonderful supporters we are actually 60% SOLD. Also the hot favourite Black XL is already sold out!
    Click on the image for ordering information. Please do allow for 4-6 weeks for shipping and delivery.

    Design Sojourn

    21 Aug 06 at 3:24 am



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