Quote of the Day

Only in OWS…

When I met him, Hipster Cop was wearing a bright red Mister Rogers cardigan and a white button down with a clipped tie, grey wool slacks and spotless oxfords, a smirk on his face. He was the most sharply-dressed guy I had seen pretty much all week, and I work in Soho. Hipster Cop almost looked too well-dressed to be a Radiohead fan; like, maybe he only listened to LPs of obscure Japanese bands from the 80s. But I asked if he was bummed about Radiohead’s no-show: "They’re finished," he joked. "Nobody’s going to listen to their music anymore." - Adrian Chen #source


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Posted: October 25th, 2011
at 11:41am by Black Ock

Categories: crime,quote of the day

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