Quote of the Day

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For the past 4 years or so, I’ve worked without ever having a clock in sight. I don’t wear a watch, I removed the clock from the menu bar of my computer, and I cover up any clocks I can’t remove. I realized that watching the clock, even subconsciously, is stressful. You’re always aware of the time ticking by, wondering if you’re getting enough done or if it’s time to eat lunch yet. But you can’t fully focus if part of your mind is keeping track of the time, so I decided to experiment by going clockless. Four years later, and there is no going back. Sure, sometimes I accidentally forget to eat lunch, or stay up until 3am when I meant to go to bed at 10pm, but I think of that as a feature, not a bug. If I was able to skip those things without noticing, I was probably in the zone, and 3 hours of zone time is equivalent to about 8 hours of fractured time, so it’s well worth the trade. via


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Posted: June 7th, 2011
at 10:20pm by mnp

Categories: quote of the day

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