Archive for the ‘not ninja-worthy’ Category

NY Times Blasts Mitchell Report

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Roger Clemens is the highlight of the Mitchell report, but the most glaring aspect of the deficient report, to this reader, is how poor a job Mitchell and his investigators did investigating the use of steroids in baseball during the last decade or two.

Some readers of the report questioned the need for identifying players and I might be among that group. But in opting to name players, Mitchell demonstrated that his 20-month investigation wasna€™t much of an investigation at all.

For the $20 million that the investigation was reported to have cost, Major League Baseball got 20 recommendations from Mitchell a€" $1 million a recommendation, $1 million a month. But the names? Mitchell uncovered few on his own. [LINK]

If it weren’t a New York publication… I could hand it some credibility.


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Posted: December 19th, 2007
at 9:25am by Black Ock

Categories: not ninja-worthy,games,fo' real?

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Clem’s on the ‘Roids


I always thought there was something wrong with that big dumb idiot. Now, we know. Who else? Unsurprisingly Jason "so sweaty I can’t see" Giambi.

I recently mentioned to a colleague that Roger Clemens‘ extraordinary record since turning 35 — the 44-year-old Clemens has gone 156-58 since 1997 and has won four Cy Young Awards — was every bit as suspicious as Barry Bonds‘ power surge.

My colleague, a Clemens fan, pointed out that Clemens never tested positive for any performance-enhancing drugs (neither has Bonds), and that Hank Aaron, too, enjoyed great success late in his career. "Was he juiced too?" he asked.

I suppose the question was rhetorical. No one really believes that Aaron took steroids, but I did some research anyway. Anabolic steroids have been around since the 1930s, so it’s at least conceivable that Aaron had access to them. But it wasn’t until East German scientists started surreptitiously supplying anabolic steroids to their Olympic athletes in the late 1960s that it was discovered that steroids in large doses significantly improved athletic performance in sports beside weightlifting. [LINK]

Read the rest at

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Posted: December 18th, 2007
at 5:21pm by Black Ock

Categories: celebrity,drogas,not ninja-worthy

Comments: 1 comment

Blogger Beware


Warning for new and existing WordPress users: DO NOT download WordPress themes from 3rd party "galleries". Identify the original source of the theme and download directly from the authors website.

As WordPress - both hosted and self-hosted - continues to enjoy explosive growth, exposure to malicious activity and code will increase. Sadly, this applies to both website administrators and visitors. In August I was disappointed to discover that WordPress and Joomla themes were being redistributed with malicious code; code which would track your own visitors or allow for random ads to be served. Since being exposed, the offending website has been taken down. Unfortunately, similar theme galleries have appeared with the same intent to redistribute themes with malicious code.

FYI from

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Posted: December 17th, 2007
at 7:28pm by Black Ock

Categories: web,not ninja-worthy,weaponry

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This could be funny if it just wasn’t so un-funny. Like if we weren’t all about to sink into the (dirty) ocean.

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Posted: November 21st, 2007
at 2:11pm by Black Ock

Categories: green,not ninja-worthy

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How to Break into Cars

Ok the first thing I am going to tell you is my philosophy, ignore this part if you don’t care. Ok, I believe in anarchy and for me stealing cars is a way at getting back at society for all the shit it puts on us kids. I mean by 2020 we’ll probably be put on a database, and our movements will be monitored, we wont be free, even now we are not free. I steal cars to repay the insurance company’s and governments that enslave us, every car costs them money, and every cent takes them one step back from implementing these databases and monitoring systems. I also believe in being who you want to be, so if your reading this just to show off to your mates, then I spit on you, but I will not deny you this information, that is your prerogative. I just want to inform you that you are enslaving yourself, always trying to be better than your friends, not doing the things you want to do. Anyway that’s enough of me, on to the good stuff.

via totse

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Posted: November 15th, 2007
at 9:27am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: not ninja-worthy,whips,weaponry

Comments: 1 comment

"The Game is Fixed"


If AT&T was a blackjack dealer, it would deal two cards to each player and then turn the rest of the cards over and select the best remaining cards for itself. This is more or less how it works right now for alternative network access vendors like Covad. There is the occasional "blackjack!" for Covad when working to install a bonded T1 or other wired Internet connection for its customers. But as often as not AT&T is one step ahead — in my case for example, there was "insufficient equipment" available to provide a bonded T1 (I was participating in a blogger evaluation program run by Comunicano for Covad).

The United States now lags the rest of the developed world in access speeds for Internet connectivity. Instead of spurring competition, the Bush administration has overseen a re-assembly of the AT&T monopoly ("hey, didn’t we already destroy the deathstar? Do we have to do it again?"). And to make matters worse, now just by complaining about AT&T, they can terminate my service.

Anytime a company starts operating like a power-drunk sovereign, its a good sign that competitive balances are out of whack. I for one am hoping that Covad can build up their fixed wireless network as an alternative to the copper wire monopoly our government has granted to AT&T. Not that this will help me, my house is in a canyon without a line-of-sight to Covad’s POP in Oakland.

I guess I better fall on my knees now and ask forgiveness of AT&T — please, please don’t cut me off!


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Posted: November 8th, 2007
at 11:55am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: web,not ninja-worthy,cell phones,business,design

Comments: 3 comments

Colts Lose, Peyton Cries Again

Our most loyal readers will remember this post, where we highlighted, unlike anybody else on the net, that Peyton Manning was crying in ’06 when Dallas beat Indy to end their little winning streak.


We just happened to notice that for some reason, unlike the rest of his team, Peyton Manning had kept his helmet on. It was only weird because everyone else had their helmets off, and it was also clear that Peyton would not be going on the field again.

I’ll spare you all the rhetoric because you can read that in the old joint, but I will say this. REPEAT PERFORMANCE.


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That will be all, carry on.

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Posted: November 5th, 2007
at 10:03am by Black Ock

Categories: not ninja-worthy,games

Comments: 18 comments

Quote of the Day


I couldn’t find London on a map if they didn’t have the names of the countries.AA I swear to God.AA I don’t know what nothing is.AA I know Italy looks likeAA boot.AA I know London Fletcher.AA We did a football camp together, so I know him.AA That’s the closest thing I know to London. - Channing Crowder, Miami Dolphins Linebacker

The Dolphins and Giants played the first ever regular season game to be played in London on Sunday - complete with giant robot overlord in the form of Jason Taylor.

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Posted: November 1st, 2007
at 8:25am by Black Ock

Categories: too good to be true,not ninja-worthy,fo' real?,quote of the day

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Guiliani is a Fr**ker


ok so this is a little off topic, but this mother fr**ker guiliani is evil personified, and now he wants to claim the red sox for his own since the yidiyatch-ass yankees couldn’t make it to the series…

Sounds like a baseball flip-flop. Rudy Giuliani, a lifelong New York Yankees fan, said Tuesday he’s pulling for their most hated rivals, the Boston Red Sox, to win the World Series over the Colorado Rockies.

whats next people, sheerioushly. my cousin put it best tho…

What a fucking fucker. I can’t beleive that bullshit. What kind of fucking douchebag turncoat son of a bitch does that shit? What a fucking phony fucker.

(thanks to tom for the link)

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Posted: October 29th, 2007
at 12:34pm by Black Ock

Categories: celebrity,too good to be true,not ninja-worthy,politricks

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