Archive for the ‘web’ Category

Public Domain Media = Good

After pharmacy viagra injecting Hemgenix into a person's vein, the virus travels to cheapest generic viagra the liver, which allows the liver cells to produce factor buy generic celebrex IX and limit bleeding episodes. According to Cancer Research UK, buy tetracycline online there may be links between kidney cancer and a diet buy cheap nexium high in protein. Immunotherapy can help treat squamous cell carcinoma zofran generic in individuals who are not eligible for surgery or other triamterene cheap treatments. Guttate psoriasis often occurs in children or young adults, buy cheap lumigan online sometimes coinciding with an infection such as strep throat. Another atenolol in australia autoimmune disease called secondary Sjögren disease frequently occurs in individuals discount quinine with SLE. Yes, an orchiectomy can sometimes help a person colchicine pills develop physical characteristics that people associate with femininity. It is norvasc without prescription important to note that people may experience romantic attraction to prozac online all genders yet still define themselves as biromantic instead of purchase bentyl online panromantic. This may be particularly true in Latin American communities, as.

Us ninjas know how important it is to spread the knowledge, so we’re gonna hit you off with a little quality product…

Huge archive of free movies, documentaries, cartoons, music and comedy that have entered the public domain.

Peep ’em

Good looks, Ian


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Posted: July 31st, 2006
at 12:32pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,music,life,art,web,film

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Michael Vick Gets MySpaced

Dude takes out a girlie and, unbeknownst to him, he’s on mySpace with herps and blunt in hand. Bogus.

A tad bit more info from

[ed: thanks Ian, altho i might have not needed to see that brazen herpie, ninja]

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Posted: July 28th, 2006
at 12:03pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,life,celebrity,web

Comments: 1 comment

Transforming SPAM to ART

Alex Dragulescu creates art from "data derived from databases, spam emails, blogs and video game assets." These are spam plants and this is spam architecture.

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Posted: July 26th, 2006
at 4:53pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: computers,art,web

Comments: 1 comment

The Evolution of Office Space

FL Wright

An historical look at how buildings have moved people to work in different ways. A quote, shall we? Let’s shall.

What kind of working environment produces the best dynamics?AA What set of spatial factors call for the most efficiency while allowing the greatest flow of creativity to surge forward?AA I doubt these type of questions were asked in the early 20th century when Frank Lloyd Wright designed the Larking Building.

Ok well I’m not sure about the validity of that last statement, but it’s an interesting site nonetheless.

At the Working Environment Blog

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Posted: July 26th, 2006
at 11:20am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: life,web,business

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Craigslist Founder Aims to "Give People a Break"

Listen to the BBC interview of Craigslist founder, Craig Newmark (left, with Jim Buckmaster, president and CEO), talk of his wishes of full democratisation of the internet…

Props to Ian for the heads up

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Posted: July 25th, 2006
at 11:22am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: web,business

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Beantown Pride at The Brilliant Mistake

So on a recent trip back to my stomping grounds in the Beantown, I met this cat Mike who has a blog that’s strictly holding it down for anything ill, especially what’s poppin off in Boston. He’s got dope photos and all sorts of insider info. Peep him sonny!

The Brilliant Mistake

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Posted: July 24th, 2006
at 1:54pm by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,bling,art,web

Comments: 1 comment

What Music Looks Like

Having trouble seeing all those hi-hats? Have fun with this musical realization of the motion graphics of John Whitney as described in his book "Digital Harmony." If you fail to subscribe to the back end of music visualization, check out "The Shape of Song," which outlines composers like Bach and Glass.

Thanks to Ian.

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Posted: July 24th, 2006
at 12:57pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: music,web

Comments: 1 comment

Yahoo to Offer DRM-free MP3s (Holleratchaboy!)


It stands to reason that if you already done paid your $0.99 per song for your Gnarls Barkley tracks from ITMS that you might be able to, I don’t know, copy them wherever you want, agreed? Well, Yahoo agrees too and is pushing forward with their eventual plans to sell all of their music with no restrictions. wonders what the record companies think of that idea (and doesn’t particularly care).

Ok Granted, the only song available right now is some Jessica Simpson track… and granted it’s two bucks… but it’s still interesting enough for us to drop the link on ya.

Full Story Via:

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Posted: July 21st, 2006
at 11:24am by black octagons

Categories: music,web

Comments: 2 comments

Hong Kong government using kids in the War on Piracy!

The government of Hong Kong has enlisted the help of an army of young snitches to help them sniff out pirated software, music and video on the internet.AA 200,000 children from 11 youth organizations, among them the Boy Scouts, will be actively searching the ‘net for illegal distributors of digital content.

From the article:

"Tam Yiu-keung, the Hong Kong Excise and Customs Department’s senior superintendent of customs for intellectual property investigations, said the program should not raise any concerns about privacy or the role of children in law enforcement. The youths will be visiting Internet discussion sites that are open to all, so the government program is no different than asking young people to tell the police if they see a crime while walking down the street, he said."

original article in The New York Times

via slashdot

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Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 3:07am by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,computers,life,crime,web

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