Archive for the ‘crime’ Category

Prison City

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The Bolivian approach to correctional institutions is to build a city with all amenities and let it be.

A photo gallery from


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Posted: September 1st, 2006
at 9:49am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,crime,photo

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Ken Starr, Evil Ninja-at-large


As if impeaching the president for getting a lil’ dome wasn’t enough, Ken Starr is atAAit again.AA His latest mission?- petitioning a court to uphold a suspension for a student that held up a sign saying "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" during the Olympic torch relay in Alaska.

This dude was just trying to be nice… considering the type of headies they got up there in Alaska and whatnot…

Article Via Washington Wire

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Posted: August 29th, 2006
at 9:38am by black octagons

Categories: life,crime,web,politricks

Comments: 2 comments

Maurice Clarett: Almost… But Not Quite Ninja-Worthy


Anybody who has been reading the sports news knows about Maurice Clarett and his trials and tribulations (or maybe you were just reading one of the numerous ludicrous posts about it on thepimpscorner).

Firstly, this dude got bagged up by the po-po’s for rolling around town with some types of firearm, four bangers and a rocket launcher or something, and for being a general idiot about it.AA You might remember this guy as one of the future premiere running backs of the Denver Broncos… until he got fat and got cut.AA Well, it turns out we now know whyAAthe space-cowboy was carrying that gat… it turns out he’s affiliated with the Israeli Mob!

But anyhow, everyone messes up sometimes… and I quote:

Aug. 18, 2006 a€"AAMaurice Clarett was bankrolled by an alleged member of an Israeli crime organization after leaving Ohio State, ESPN has learned, and Clarett’s attorney said Thursday that his client may have been in possession of firearms last week to protect himself against mob activity.

In the late summer of 2004, ESPN has learned, Clarett traveled to Los Angeles and was introduced by a rapper friend to Hai Waknine, 35, a convicted felon who prosecutors believe is a member of an Israeli crime organization called The Jerusalem Group. Waknine, who at the time was being indicted on extortion and money-laundering charges, became Clarett’s sponsor and adviser, along with Waknine’s attorney, David Kenner. Waknine provided Clarett with cash, a BMW, bodyguards, drivers and beachfront lodging in Malibu, with the understanding that he would be reimbursed and receive 60 percent of Clarett’s rookie contract.

After Clarett was arrested last week, allegedly wearing a bulletproof vest and possessing four guns and a hatchet, Clarett’s attorneys received an anonymous phone call alerting them to Clarett’s ties to Waknine. They grew more suspicious when they received the threatening postcard this week.

[Ed: I actually feel bad for this guy]

Original Article Via: ABC News

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Posted: August 21st, 2006
at 9:48am by black octagons

Categories: hood status,crime,not ninja-worthy

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"That’s not a knife, this is a knife."

An eighty year old woman and semi-retired ninjaAAquotes Crocodile Dundee and fends off a home intruder.

ArticleAAat The Daily Mail

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Posted: August 17th, 2006
at 12:29pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,life,crime

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"Corrections Corporation of America, a private firm that operates prisons like this one in California City, Ca., saw its revenue from holding immigrants jump to $95 million in 2005 from $70 million the year before."

Article from

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Posted: August 17th, 2006
at 11:59am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,life,crime,home,politricks

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Eve Attempts to Escape the Clutches of a Real-Life Evil Ninja!

I know you all love how half of our headlines have exclamation points. Just for the record, they’re our way of denoting some true ninja ish.

Anyways, for the most part, I try to stay out of other people’s love lives, but this one is just too good to be true. I didn’t know it, but rapper Eve has been dating Teodorin Nguema Obiang, the son of the dictator of Equitorial New Guinea, President Obiang.

President Obiang has been in power since 1979 and reportedly siphons $700 million a year from the oil rich country each year, while it’s citizens live on $1 a day. He doesn’t stop at being a thieving bastard either. He killed his own uncle and the rumor is that he was behind his brother’s "suicide." Oh yeah, and several different sources have reported that he has engaged in "cannibalism." Whooo… Yeah, I said he was an evil-ass ninja, didn’t I?
The money he steals goes, at least in part, to his playboy son’s romantic adventures. From the article, referring to Teodorin, Eve’s love interest:

"Teodorin, the Minister of Forestry, or the "Minister of Chopping Down Trees," as some call him, pursued Eve relentlessly until she finally "gave up" and started going out with him, sources told us. The international playboy spent $700,000 at Christmas to rent Paul Allen’s yacht to fete her on St. Bart’s, tooled around in one of his two Bentleys, and invested $25 million in a rap label, Detroit’s TNO Entertainment."

A source close to Eve says simply: "They will never date again."

Apparently, Eve has come to her senses and realized that if she gets any closer to the family, she might end up "committing suicide" or getting eaten. Let’s hope it’s not already too late.

Article from New York Daily News

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Posted: August 16th, 2006
at 7:58pm by Black Ock

Categories: hood status,celebrity,crime,politricks

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The Long Term Investment


Diddy just had his 11 million dollar one of a kind necklace stolen during a raid in Ibiza while partying.AA To the ninjas we hired for this job, where are ya’ll at?? Ya’ll were supposed to come back with that joint.AA Let me find one of you ninjas gallavanting out there with my gems and there’s gonna be a massacre.


Suprising from eurweb

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Posted: August 16th, 2006
at 11:34am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,bling,celebrity,crime

Comments: 1 comment

Ninja Warlords Unchecked Gain Sophistication

A submarine which police say may have been used for cocaine smuggling has been found floating off Spain’s north-western coast.

It is reported to be about 10m (33ft) long, made by amateurs from basic materials, not by professionals.

While submarines are not known to have been used for drug trafficking in Spain, they have been used for this purpose in Colombia.

Map of Spain

"It could take drugs from a ship in the ocean and take them to the coast without being seen," Mr Gonzalez said.

"There has been nothing like this before in Spain. It is an example of how narco-traffickers are advancing in technology."

Article Via: BBC

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Posted: August 14th, 2006
at 3:55pm by black octagons

Categories: life,crime,drogas

Comments: 1 comment

Lacking clientele? It’s all about craigslist, my ninjas!

Despite recent posts detailing the need to keep your illegal activities on the DL on the world wide web, contradictory evidence does exist:

The Seattle times is reporting that Craigslist has become a haven for small-scale ganja dealers, and that the authorities are essentially turning a blind eye. The article details how these entrepreneurs scour the site for people seeking the collie weed, and then email them and set up the transaction. As if this wasn’t sketchy enough for you, these distributors even place ads offering their merchandise in exchange for sex, and if you are a male customer who refers a female friend for such an encounter, the ad explains you are entitlted to a discount! The best part though is the DEA response:
‘Jeff Eig, spokesman for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s Seattle office, said the amounts of illicit drugs sold via online transactions are generally so small that his agency hasn’t specifically gone after craigslist users dealing dope.’

Yeah that’s right, Tommy Chong got arrested for his dealings, nor can you sell any of those Jerome Baker Designs "flower vases" anymore online without facing a DEA raid, but as long as you deal in small enough quantities, craigslist is your own personal dutch red-light district. Newbs, you now have a connect…
Ninjas, if you decide to meet up with one of these, I’d recommend wearing your gi and bringing a throwing star or two.
Scope the article here

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Posted: August 6th, 2006
at 1:28pm by Pheezatron

Categories: crime,web,drogas

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