Ken Starr, Evil Ninja-at-large

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As if impeaching the president for getting a lil’ dome wasn’t enough, Ken Starr is atAAit again.AA His latest mission?- petitioning a court to uphold a suspension for a student that held up a sign saying "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" during the Olympic torch relay in Alaska.

This dude was just trying to be nice… considering the type of headies they got up there in Alaska and whatnot…

Article Via Washington Wire


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Posted: August 29th, 2006
at 9:38am by black octagons

Categories: life,crime,web,politricks

Comments: 2 comments


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  1. we have a comment string on this story at

    feel free to jump in


    30 Aug 06 at 9:00 am


  2. For one thing, we Alaskans are not all headies thanks. But for another thing, I completely agree with all who think Ken Starr and that kid’s school principal are absolute morons. I mean hello, was the kid standing across the street from the school with his pants down waving his wanker at the principal while he snorted some coke? No. He was displaying a harmlessly eye-catching and well designed sign to the media’s attention. Freakin idiots.


    3 Sep 06 at 12:56 am



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