Maurice Clarett: Almost… But Not Quite Ninja-Worthy

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Anybody who has been reading the sports news knows about Maurice Clarett and his trials and tribulations (or maybe you were just reading one of the numerous ludicrous posts about it on thepimpscorner).

Firstly, this dude got bagged up by the po-po’s for rolling around town with some types of firearm, four bangers and a rocket launcher or something, and for being a general idiot about it.AA You might remember this guy as one of the future premiere running backs of the Denver Broncos… until he got fat and got cut.AA Well, it turns out we now know whyAAthe space-cowboy was carrying that gat… it turns out he’s affiliated with the Israeli Mob!

But anyhow, everyone messes up sometimes… and I quote:

Aug. 18, 2006 a€"AAMaurice Clarett was bankrolled by an alleged member of an Israeli crime organization after leaving Ohio State, ESPN has learned, and Clarett’s attorney said Thursday that his client may have been in possession of firearms last week to protect himself against mob activity.

In the late summer of 2004, ESPN has learned, Clarett traveled to Los Angeles and was introduced by a rapper friend to Hai Waknine, 35, a convicted felon who prosecutors believe is a member of an Israeli crime organization called The Jerusalem Group. Waknine, who at the time was being indicted on extortion and money-laundering charges, became Clarett’s sponsor and adviser, along with Waknine’s attorney, David Kenner. Waknine provided Clarett with cash, a BMW, bodyguards, drivers and beachfront lodging in Malibu, with the understanding that he would be reimbursed and receive 60 percent of Clarett’s rookie contract.

After Clarett was arrested last week, allegedly wearing a bulletproof vest and possessing four guns and a hatchet, Clarett’s attorneys received an anonymous phone call alerting them to Clarett’s ties to Waknine. They grew more suspicious when they received the threatening postcard this week.

[Ed: I actually feel bad for this guy]

Original Article Via: ABC News


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Posted: August 21st, 2006
at 9:48am by black octagons

Categories: hood status,crime,not ninja-worthy

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