Archive for the ‘Tim Lee’ tag

A Dozen : Tim Lee

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Welcome back to another edition of A Dozen. This week we’re going to do something a little different and introduce our featured artist, Tim Lee out of the UK with a short documentary about his life and work to jump off things. So first his documentary, and then our interview- sit back and relax!

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"I am never looking for perfection in my work; I like the near misses much more"

"I hope people can see beauty in the simplicity of my acts; that they can admire my attempt to decorate and celebrate what it is to be human"


"Ashes Between You and Me"
Ink on calligraphy paper
35cm x 39cm

Please explain your beginnings and how you got started with art.

It’s all I have ever known. It began from when I was a child, as soon as I was able to pick up a pen; I was drawing.

What’s your earliest memory involving art or creating art?

I was pretty young in a classroom and it was my first art lesson. I drew a cartoon of a naked male urinating. All that sticks with me was the teacher erasing his genitals and me redrawing it, this went back and forth all lesson.


"Love Must Die Young (Never Old Enough)" Diptych
Ink Drawing on Chinese Rice Paper
(30cm x 45cm) x2

What is your education or training in art?

I’ve graduated from university with a fine arts degree. I didn’t use my time wisely, the work I made as a student is unrecognizable to what I do now.

There’s no real training involved in my work, I feel self taught in many ways.

I just had to realize my voice and that took some time.

How do you pay the bills to enable and unleash your creative energy?

Bottom line is I don’t! I get the odd bit off illustration work through and that helps a little, but I don’t like to think about outgoings, If you really want something you have to sacrifice certain things.

"I’ll never be your Roman Candle"
Ink on Calligraphy paper
50cm x 35cm

How have your surroundings or environment influenced your evolution?

It has shaped me hugely. My family heritage is from Hong Kong and I was born in the UK and have lived here all my life. There are identity issues that arise from this culture clash but I’ve learnt to accept them as I’ve grown. It’s important to try to keep your culture alive in you.

Who are some of your major influences?

My Uncle (Lee Man Sang) he is also an artist and I look up to him and his work a lot. The level of craft is his works that is quite rare in today’s art world.

But aside from my biased opinion I’m a fan of Francis Bacon, Damien Hirst, Maurizio Cattelan, Nick Cave, Joel Peter Witkin, Bjork, Haruki Murakami, David Lynch, Wong Kar Wai etc Im influenced by very visual and visceral art.


"Why do I, Still water flowers"
Ink on Calligraphy paper
36cm x 55cm

Do you work alone or are you open to collaboration?

The illustration work I take on is kind of collaboration in itself, where ideas go back and forth but generally speaking I prefer to work independently. That way if anything goes wrong I can take responsibility. But it really depends on what’s proposed and if I see any potential in the project.

What methods of exposure have proven to be the most effective for getting the word out about your work?

The Internet has been my most successful route. Without the Internet I have no idea how I would have found some of the people I know now and vice versa.


"Don’t Let the Light In, or You’ll Kill Us All"
Ink on calligraphy paper
30cm x 35cm

When are you most productive or when do you normally work on art?

The best time for me to work is when most people are sleeping. Anytime past midnight and I get more done. I work throughout the day too but I feel I make much better decisions and ideas flow more easily at night.

What do you consider your biggest overall influence (music, artists, food, etc)?

Everything, I can’t highlight one. Life is the influence, there’s no other explanation. I can be doing nothing and nothing running through my head and suddenly I know what work I want to make. No reason or rationale so I think that comes from a culmination of things I’ve seen consciously or otherwise. Since you have mention food, I think it’s overlooked in many ways. Food and Drink is what brings people together, breaks barriers and without it, we’d be nothing.


"In & Out of Love with You"
Ink on Calligraphy paper
54cm x 33cm

Where would you like to travel to and expose your work?

I’ve always wanted to visit New York. I’ve only ever heard good things about the place. My dad lived there for a while so maybe I’d like to tread his path for a while.

I’d like to have a show in Hong Kong too, that way my family could attend and see what I’ve been up to.

China would also be somewhere that would be interesting to visit. I’d like to see how my work would be received there too. I’ve never been across to China and seems like a lot is happening there culturally and artistically, I’d like to see how and if my work would fit in context there.

To be honest the I’d love to travel and take my work anywhere.

What is something about you that nobody would ever guess?

I voted for Leona Lewis to win the X factor, I voted 3 times.

What do you have coming down the line in terms of shows/ projects/ etc?

I’m showing some work at the affordable art fair in Amsterdam later this month, I have a few more shows lined up but until I’ll announce those once I know for sure they’re happening.

I’ll be painting more in the future. I don’t want to be one of those artists that never steps outside their comfort zone. I want to try everything. Maybe I’ll eventually end up in film or photography. All i know is that I have a bank of backed up ideas that need to come out.

::all images courtesy of Tim Lee ::


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Posted: October 16th, 2009
at 12:34pm by Koookiecrumbles

Tagged with

Categories: contemporary,a dozen

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