Archive for the ‘skateboard’ tag

Tokyo Lounge Table / Godfather Chair

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These two designs above and below by Skate Study House are amazing. Apart from these two pieces they are currently having a black friday lead-up sale called Launch of Cool. It is a limited-time promotion that is offering the collection’s most popular pieces at a special discount:

Astro Clock : $200 (regular price $495)

Nova Lamp $200 (regular price $695)

Hang Up: $200 (regular price $495)

SKATE STUDY HOUSE (SSH) is an innovative design concept specializing in recreating popular furniture through the vision of a skateboarder. The movement of a skateboarder constantly changes — it recreates itself by transcending boundaries and inventing ways to conquer obstacles. It’s constantly about anticipation and adaptation to one’s environment. The same is true for living design. The combination of the two produces a mixture of contemporary lifestyle, art and action sports culture, which is all found in this unique collection.



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Posted: November 23rd, 2009
at 5:05pm by Koookiecrumbles

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Categories: green,home,gear

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Scarpar: Powered Skateboard

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…but once they hammer out those kinks, boyyy, let me tell you…

::[ check out the Engadget writeup ]::

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Posted: July 16th, 2009
at 7:54am by Black Ock

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Categories: too good to be true,weaponry,gear

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