Archive for the ‘P.S.1’ tag

‘Pole Dance’ by SO-IL Wins P.S.1 Comp

The P.S.1 installation competition seems to be an increasingly popular, creative, and fun way for architects / designers to express themselves simply for architecture’s sake - while creating an interesting space to be used, seemingly, as a kind of rallying point for architecture and design related events in NYC. With a new year comes a new installation, adding to a growing list of impressive work by up-and-coming designers.

Sure not to disappoint, this year Brooklyn based SO-IL [for Solid Objectives - Idenburg Liu] has been named winner of the competition, for an entry entitled ‘Pole Dance’.

"What we wanted to do is propose a structure that was constantly trying to find its balance as it was influenced by people and outside forces. It’s a take on the wider world, where we’re always trying to find balance in our lives and in everything around us."

The installation will lay out a 12′ grid of 2 inch thick, 25 feet tall fiberglass poles - which, due to these dimensions, etc, will be quite flexible. A roughly 9,000 square foot stretchy net will be suspended - the form of which will be dynamically altered as the poles sway. Lastly, a number of brightly colored balls will be bouncing around on this netting, allowing visitors to ‘play’ with the installation.

Sounds, and looks, pretty dope.

SO-IL PS1 Pole Dance from SO-IL on Vimeo.

.:via->The Architect’s Newspaper


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Posted: February 22nd, 2010
at 5:00am by orangemenace

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Categories: youtube,architecture,design

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