Archive for the ‘kielnhofer’ tag

Guardians of Time Arrested

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Apparently, artist Manfred Kielnhofer‘s  giant red nomadic statues, originally set up for an exhibition, have been arrested by the Italian Police for suspicious behavior.

image credit

Seriously - we got this e-mail just the other day:

Please help:
The Guardians of Time were arrested by police at the St. Mark’s Square in Venice and taken into custody. Has anyone observed, photographed or filmed the seizure of the four life-sized red sculptures "Guard Time" on Wednesday 
afternoon August 31st, 2011?

We ask your assistance by sending photos of of the arrest.
The red giant sculptures were carried by four policemen to the nearby police station on 
Piazza San Marco.
Time Guards "Madonna" light sculptures are made by the artist Manfred Kielnhofer. Please send your photos to info @

Thanks for your help.

Given that I just watched A Night On Earth, this is hard for me to believe.

This may be just an attempt at revving up interest before The Goodwood Revival (bless our investigative skills).  We’ll give him his due exposure, considering that those things bear a resemblance to our Dark Lords

Photos of the actual arrestees here.


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Posted: September 19th, 2011
at 11:59am by Black Ock

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Categories: art,crime,contemporary,fo' real?

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