Archive for the ‘dreams’ tag

Looking For The Dream Makers

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Why is it so hard to find artist that are working hard to make their dreams come true. It seams like most artist I know feel it is too hard to become a successful artist so why try. To make it as an artist in the art world you have to fail over and over again but with time you will start to succeed. Once you start to have some successes that's when the hard work starts to maintain your space in the art world is no easy task. I am always looking for driven hard working artist to work with but this is no easy task. If you are hard working, Driven by your dreams, and refuse to take no for an answer you are the type of artist I am looking for.


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Posted: January 6th, 2011
at 4:09pm by Koookiecrumbles

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Categories: life,art,contemporary,philosophy,art theory

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