Archive for the ‘birth certificate’ tag

My Ninja, Please! 5.23.11: Obama Mug

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An Obama mug with his grill on one side and a birth certificate on the back?  Besides buying one of these for Donald Trump, what the hell do I want with this?  My ninja, please!  Despite wanting this to be okay, I… I just can’t.  I dunno why, exactly. I almost want to say something about the dignity of the office of president, but that would be, like, 11 years post-run.  The average reader of this site should already know how little, if any, credence we here at MNP give to the so-called "birther" movement, but the other side of this, this mug, is - well - ridiculous.

I don’t see what the big F’n deal is anyway, even if we were to find out he was from someplace scarier than Africa… like, say Mongolia (my heart quakes with 1000 fears).  This is some old technicality bullsh*t, like when we tried to say that Bush didn’t have the right to send the country into war, except we were right, damnit (come to think of it, I’m starting to understand, even though the argument is flimsy, not lush like Donnie-boy’s toupee).  I guess I shouldn’t expect anything more, or less,  from a president, or a celebrity president, or a campaign that sells "Health care is a B.F.D." t-shirts, or a campaign that chose Joe Biden for a real grown-up job.  In the spirit of hilarious apathy (that, um, has come to define us) and in support of (the right kind of) democracy, I encourage you to go buy one and shout from the rooftops, "My Ninja, Please!"


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Posted: May 23rd, 2011
at 8:59am by Black Ock

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Categories: too good to be true,politricks,real life news

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