Archive for the ‘beer’ tag

Beer Advocacy for Ninjas

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Thirsty?A I’ve found myself kicking around this site lately, figuring about which beers to drink and which beers to try to brew.A This site lets beer drinkers give grades to their favorite, least favorite, and I-tried-this-because-it-had-a-weedleaf-on-the-bottle brands- a great resource for those interested in bears, uh, beers.A Check out

Based in Boston, BA was founded in 1996 by the Alstrom Brothers, Jason & Todd, who provide the site as a free resource to …

-Wake the masses to better beer options.
-Give beer consumers a voice.
-Empower them to learn, share, and advocate.
-Rally to support the beer industry.
-Put the Respect back into Beer.

BA remains solely owned and operated by the Bros, who in addition to providing this online resource publish BeerAdvocate magazine (the only monthly beer magazine of its kind), and organize several Beer Fests and events throughout the year.

"Respect Beer." is their motto.

Personally, I really liked the ShipYard Pumpkinhead….A They clearly hated it:


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Posted: February 24th, 2011
at 9:34am by Black Ock

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Categories: weaponry,drinks

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