Archive for the ‘al-kubra’ tag

Harvesting African Sun

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Image from tonynetone

the sun is shinning, and the weather is sweet

All the rave these days is about solar energy. Its clean, relatively cheap and has virtually no carbon emmissions. One problem however is what do you do when it is cloudy? Well some European Union scientists may have the answer. Arnulf Jaeger-Walden from the European commission’s Institute for Energy claims that only 0.3% of light from the Sahara’s sun would be able to provide Europe with more than enough energy. Prompting both Gordon Brown and Nicholsa Sarkozy to quickly back the proposed plan.

The idea is to build large farms of solar panel technology in the Sahara and harvest the sun’s energy as a source of clean electricity. Wind turbines will also act as a back-up battery should the sun ever fail to shine. The result, Europe and Africa get alternative source of energy, and the Sahara becomes a provider of clean energy and thereby helping to combat global warming. Now that is what we call, al-kubra, ‘The Great Desert’

All is good, so long as the sun keeps shining.

.::originally found at i-genius->


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Posted: November 22nd, 2009
at 8:00pm by Koookiecrumbles

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Categories: green,et cetera,development

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