the Industry : Sean Bono

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MNP ran into Sean Bono of Art Battles and got a chance to talk about what is really going on- like we have done before, we’ll start off with a brief documentary about the movement and then move on to the interview.

Can you please describe what an art battle is?

Art Battles is both an event for artistic entertainment as well as a movement for social change. Its a peaceful conflict built out of the framework of capitalism and democracy. Artists are competing with eachother t0 sell their work, win prizes and to do that by winning over the audience with popular vote.

How have you seen the audience of these events respond to the creation process?

The audience responds really well, that is and has been my biggest sense of accomplishment with ArtBattles.. Seeing people treat art with the passion of sport and seeing painters connecting with a huge crowd is pretty wild. It really makes me think wow, this is getting BIG.


What has been your favorite battle and why?

I think my favorite battle was our Kong Zilla battle between Leif and Dre. The tension was in the room with two huge canvasses spotlight on the stage of Le Poisson Rouge. The crowd filled the room bubbling with anticipation DJ JUs Ske played a killer set. I will never forget Leif paints his whole canvas black and in doing so he shoots a wad of paint off his brush through the air and onto the shoulder of Dre the whole place went nuts and they both painted amazing pieces. In the end the crowd decided Leif the victor.

I think that the sky is the limit with Live art. I boastful joke by saying that there is a whole wing in the met dedicated to what we are doing that know one new was there before.

How do you see this movement evolving over the next say ten years?

As for in the next ten years where to and what music like I said the sky is the limit and with live art andf ArtBattles there are no boundaries on where it can exist or styles that can be expressed inside of it.


Marthalicia Matarrita 40″ x 30″ $800 Buy

::images courtesy of Art Battles ::


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Posted: November 23rd, 2009
at 1:52pm by Koookiecrumbles

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Categories: art,competitions,the industry

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