Allen Vandever art post "Weight of the City"

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000weight of the city

Weight of the City Acrylic, Epoxy Resin by Allen Vandever

She is bound and falling deeper into the chasm of her despair. The glow of the city lights illuminates this dark scene, making a display of her suffering as she falls deeper into the vast depths of loneliness. She goes down blind to the glorious vision of the world before her. She is stripped of control, but our heroine descends placidly, for she knows the entire city is underwater being pulled into the mouth of the same abyss.


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Posted: November 21st, 2009
at 7:21pm by Koookiecrumbles

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Categories: art,design,contemporary,art theory

Comments: 3 comments


3 Responses to 'Allen Vandever art post "Weight of the City"'

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  1. I feel that she is dangling than floating.

    Dawn Rosales

    22 Nov 09 at 12:39 am


  2. This is pretty intense


    22 Nov 09 at 9:18 am


  3. I have looked at this piece several times and the title is what has consumed me the most. The images in the painting seem to mirror my current situation and how I have felt over the course of several years, a prisoner to the city. I like i Al. Nice work.


    26 Nov 09 at 9:26 am



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