My Ninja, Please! 7/20/06: Government Monitoring Student Protests

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A federal Homeland Security agent reported information about student protests in Berkeley and Santa Cruz on a Pentagon terrorism database, according to documents obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union.

Information on the protests showed up in the database of a Pentagon program called Threat and Local Observation Notice, or TALON, which the government started in 2003 as a way to collect data that could help stop terrorist attacks. Officials have acknowledged that the reports on protests, which took place in April 2005 against military recruiters on campus, should not have been included and have since removed them.

Just slightly scary.AA Luckily, I practice the art of Shinobi-iri, or else…

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Mercury News via: The Raw Story (thanks to pheezatron)


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Posted: July 20th, 2006
at 11:39am by black octagons

Categories: myninjaplease

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