My Ninja, Please! 10/04/06: Your Honor, I Was Raped (ARF!)

So basically, this fool got called out on some Maury-Povich-like You ARE the father of this child type mess.AA DMX, if you can hear me, you are a mess.AA A hot mess.


"She raped me," the Yonkers native told editor Jamie Foster Brown. "I mean, you know, that might sound like some bullshit. No man has ever been… you know what I mean, like never? Is that the only thing in the world that’s not possible?"

Are you frickin kiddin’ me?AA If DMX got raped by a woman, she must beAAthe giant devil dingo. And that’s my word. Geez, you’d think commandeering a car, on crack, was enough.

Original Article Via Ace Of Spades HQ


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Posted: October 4th, 2006
at 12:58pm by black octagons

Categories: myninjaplease,music,celebrity

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