Ninja Homes: Guthrie House

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architects : Felipe Assadi + Francisca Pulido
location : Santiago/Chile
date : 2007

The firm provides no info on the project, other than the name location and date given above - but I think it’s pretty self explanatory. Its an in-situ cast concrete structure, on/within a hill that seems to create a house that is at one with the landscape, blending in to its beautiful surroundings. Rather than emphasizing the house itself, the approach has the visitor looking both across and over the building, and down in and through the house - in both instances back towards the views of the surrounding hills.




And while these two interior images look a little cave-like and enclosed - you need to remember that the other wall is glass, looking out onto the rolling landscape. What an incredibly siiick house…


::images and [very] limited info from Felipe Assadi + Francisca Pulido::


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Posted: June 26th, 2009
at 10:39am by orangemenace

Categories: architecture,ninja homes

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