Ninja Homes: House 205 by H Arq.


[Image: South Facade]

::Ninja Homes is back! Our weekly feature of a housing project [previously featured over at AMNP] returns today - enjoy::

Located in Vacarisses, Catalunya [EspaA±a], House 205 was completed for Francesc Ortega i Maria Ferriol in 2008. Similar to the previously featured House 108, H Arquitectes‘ first priority was accessing the impact the project would have on the site - and designing the home accordingly. This attention to the surrounding hillside evolved into a linear home, perched on a rock outcropping and seemingly clinging to the slope of the hill.


[Image: West Facade]

Clad in Flanders Pine paneling, the home seems to blend into the background of the hillside. The land shelf that the house rests upon creates open spaces for the home’s entry/exit and a garden - drawing the occupants and visitors linearly along the hillside. Using the existing site conditions in this way, the design leaves the path leading to the road/parking area as the only part of the site that cuts though the existing sloped terrain.

The large layer of rock and two concrete struts will be used as the foundations of the house. The two
struts will lay the foundations of the house on the rock. These two struts will also create a space
permanently ventilated between the house and the rocky ground.


[Image: Study]

The home was constructed with large laminated wood panels - which were used as walls and ceilings. This allowed H Arquitectes the freedom to design large, open, free-flowing spaces on the lower level - the kitchen, living area, and study - connected in a linear progression through the house. The second level contains the more private space, namely the bedrooms - which have large sliding doors that open on to a long shared open space, with windows opening out to views down the hill.


[Image: Plans]

This structural system implies a very important diminishment of the weight, raw material, energy and so the CO2 emissions associated with the foundations and structure of the building. The dry assembly is easy, quick and helps saving great amounts of water. Altogether eases the building and reduces significantly the cost and time investments. The laminated wood is a renewable material that can be dismantled and therefore recycled. This means its life cycle is practically closed.


[Image: Section]

The facades are ventilated and finished with coniferous wood such as Flanders pine. The openings
have also been finished with wooden fitters protected with removable shutters. The transpirability of
the facade is guaranteed with a TYBEK panel, which protects the wood. The transpirability of the roof
is solved by a draining sheet, which creates a small ventilated room.

::More of this project, and more from H Arquitectes over at AMNP - they were our featured ‘Ninjas of the Month‘::


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Posted: March 20th, 2009
at 11:29am by orangemenace

Categories: green,architecture,ninja homes

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  1. I want that library


    17 Aug 09 at 7:06 pm



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