500 Places to See (before they disappear)

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Yeah, people, it’s been a slow week (and month) around this dojo, but we’re getting set to kick into high gear for February and March. In that vein, we apologize for the general lack of postage that you might be perceiving. Anyway, the picture above is of Hill of Tara, a site described in the new Frommer’s guide bearing the title of this post that offers readers suggestions for visits to places whose existences are seen as being threatened in some way. This is sort of an older shoutout, given that the book was published last year. However, it’s new to me, and so shall it be to you, too, conceivably.

Arthur Frommer usually writes guide books about where to eat and visit in Paris, but even this super-enthusiastic traveller is getting worried about the state of the world’s environment. To explain the rationale behind the latest guide book, called "500 Places to See Before They Disappear", the author says: "The devastation wrought by climate change and direct man-made interference is familiar to all of us. But this book is a carefully chosen list of last-chance destinations that eco-conscious travellers can enjoy - if they move sharpish - for possibly the last time."

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Posted: January 30th, 2009
at 9:59am by Black Ock

Categories: walk the earf

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