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It’s our first Art Day in three weeks! Today we have a whole bunch of flickr photostreams for you, ranging from really ill to straight up weird. Set them as your background… look at them… print them and throw darts at them or slice them into little pieces with katanas. Do whatever you wanna do. Do you. It’s yo’ world, baby.

The above image is from an artist named iAAeA™is± (um, yes) from the ARARIO gallery, from which we have featured artists before. Check them out, they have cool stuff.


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Posted: September 29th, 2006
at 11:25am by black octagons

Categories: art,contemporary,art fridays

Comments: 2 comments


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  1. […] Our good friends over at the ARARIO gallery (we love these guys) have put up a video of Hyungkoo Lee’s skeleton exhibition. […]


  2. […] Our good friends over at the ARARIO gallery (we love these guys) have put up a video of Hyungkoo Lee’s skeleton exhibition. […]



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