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In the 1880’s Mark Twain coined the famous phrase, "Clothes make the man". When some time later, the lesser known, but wittier follow up, "Naked people have little or no influence on society", the sight of ragged trousered ragamuffins like Huckleberry Finn were not a rare occurrence.

Were he around today I’m certain Twain would be heartened by the universal availability of cheap clothing within North America but would he update his views to "designer label threads make the Man Bro", "Wal-Mart people have no respect"

We live in "affluenza" ridden times where the celebrity endorsement of a designer label clothing brand apparently infiltrates the garment with magical coolness and teenagers will sacrifice limbs and younger siblings to own such a garment.

Personally I don’t get it. Perhaps the fact that I’m a grumpy old man who hates shopping for clothes doesn’t aid in my understanding of this "label" indoctrination.

.::further information -> at


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Posted: December 28th, 2008
at 8:47pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: green,clothes,design

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