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The business of startup companies is really all about ideas. Who can come up with the most innovative, breakthrough product that the worldwide market will flock over, and who will come up with a brilliant idea, but find out it is too bleeding edge or non-understandable for the worlda€™s eyes. And now a€" one startup of their own claims to predict that a€" YouNoodle.

These guys are all over the web advertising their top secret algorithm, which they claim can predict not only if a startup is successful or not a€" but their overall fate over a short or long scale. Their sample predictor is getting worldwide buzz, but Ia€™m not so convinced it is a good thing.

Oxford dropout Bob Goodson, claims that his idea can help out our economy crisis by in advance predicting successful companies a€" but it seems like marketed quicksand to me.

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Posted: August 28th, 2008
at 5:12am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: web,business

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