The Aquaduct

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The Aquaduct is pedal powered vehicle that transports, filters, and stores water for the developing world. A peristaltic pump attached to the pedal crank draws water from a large tank, through a filter, to a smaller clean tank. The clean tank is removable and closed for contamination-free home storage and use. A clutch engages and disengages the drive belt from the pedal crank, enabling the rider to filter the water while traveling or while stationary.

The Aquaduct is the winning entry in the Innovate or Die contest put on by Google and Specialized. The contest challenge was to build a pedal powered machine that has environmental impact. Please visit our blog ( ) or email for more details.

This is cool and innovative and all but… this joint is kinnnnda just a a glorified Brita.AA It’s a tad bit old but… it’s new to you!


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Posted: June 27th, 2008
at 12:33pm by Black Ock

Categories: youtube,life,green,gear,science

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