Naked on a Glacier

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Six hundred people shed their clothes on a glacier in the Swiss Alps to bodily cry out for help against a planetary emergency: global warming.

The nude volunteers posed for us and renowned naked "installation" artist Spencer Tunick on the Aletsch Glacier.

Without clothes, the human body is vulnerable, exposed, its life or death at the whim of the elements. Global warming is stripping away our glaciers and leaving our entire planet vulnerable to extreme weather, floods, sea-level rise, global decreases in carrying capacity and agricultural production, fresh water shortages, disease and mass human dislocations.

If global warming continues at its current rate, most glaciers in Switzerland will completely disappear by 2080, leaving nothing but valleys and slopes strewn with rock debris.

After all that - I’m still not sure what this has to do with global warming. It’s a bit more on the "corporal freezing" side.

Anyway, if you look this dude up, you’ll realize that he’s kind of just in to posing naked people.


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Posted: June 27th, 2008
at 12:24pm by Black Ock

Categories: green,contemporary,fo' real?

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