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People- you may remember, well let me rephrase. Those of you that do know how to read words may remember way back in November 2006 that we brought you ten ways to reduce your light pollution. Even before that we asked you to turn them joints off. Now we present to you the critical NASA study. Do your educational reading, my ninjas.



To an observer in space, humanitya€™s footprints on the surface of the Earth are large and varied. They include the regular patterns of irrigated cropland, straight lines of roads and railways running across continents, reservoirs on river systems, and the cement rectangles of ports and seawalls along coastlines. But what about humanitya€™s signature footprinta€"cities? By day, cities viewed from space can blend into the countryside, or appear as gray smudges, depending on the style of development and size of the urban area.




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Posted: April 30th, 2008
at 9:12am by Black Ock

Categories: web,not ninja-worthy

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