Like a Fish Needs a Donut

This is an interesting article I found on somebody’s Facebook… fo’ tha ladies - by Judith Warner.


This Sunday found me having a very unpleasant conversation with two of my favorite men.

We were talking over donuts. In fact, we were alternately talking and fighting over the donuts a€" which I had not purchased in quantities satisfying to the dear men a€" and I was sitting with one hand curled protectively around my plate. The other hand was poised, rather ineffectually, to strike, should a raid be attempted on the remaining half of my vanilla glazed.

Both postures seriously limited my ability to gesticulate while speaking. And being unable to gesticulate, I learned recently, can put a serious damper on your rhetorical skills. Waving your hands around, experts have discovered, helps you think straight and speak properly.

This was a particularly unfortunate moment to be at a verbal disadvantage… [read the rest]


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Posted: February 11th, 2008
at 8:16am by Black Ock

Categories: life,whips

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