World’s Nicest KFC?


Could this be the world’s nicest KFC [well, nicest looking - they’re all pretty gross, really]? Commissioned by KFC Iceland, the 450 square meter building was designed by pk arkitektar [yes, designed to be a KFC - they didn’t just move in later] and completed in 2005. My ninjas, PLEASE!


Honestly, I think it looks ‘cold’ from the outside and that the concrete is a little overbearing - for a fast-food restaurant. That being said, I wouldn’t be complaining if they started replacing their US locations with buildings like this. I wonder what made them spend the money?



I know one thing, it’s sure-as-hell better than this:


By the way, if you know of a nicer KFC - or any fast food chain - hit us up. Always looking for some ridiculousness over here at MNP.

::Images + info from pk arkitektar - photographs by Rafael Pinho::

::via eye candy::


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Posted: January 31st, 2008
at 2:46pm by orangemenace

Categories: myninjaplease,architecture

Comments: 1 comment


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  1. That KFC looks RAD!

    Kevin Kowalski

    18 Apr 12 at 10:48 pm



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