Spy Satellite May Fall to Earth in Early Feb

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Not making this up either, here it is from the BBC:

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Paranoid sky watchers: look out! Your chances of being struck by something from above just increased over the next couple of months, as the US government has lost control of a spy satellite that is expected to come crashing down sometime in February or March. Where will it land? Nobody knows, and while the government is assuring the Associated Press that the situation is being monitored, details have been sketchy at best, due to the sensitive nature of this being a spy satellite.

Ita€™s not uncommon for satellites to come out of orbit, but there is a small level of concern over this one. Typically spy satellites, used for reconnaissance and information gathering, are discarded through a controlled re-entry, dumping the satellite into the ocean where nobody can access the craft and the secrets it might hold. Since there is no control over this satellite, thata€™s not an option.

Also not an option: shooting the satellite out of the sky. While a move could protect something below the bus-sized projectile, doing so would just create more debris to rain down on those below.

Then therea€™s the concern over potentially a€oehazardous materialsa€A onboard, which experts are speculating might be beryllium. The metal is used in defense and aerospace due to its high melting point, but after experiencing the high temperatures of re-entry, the metal could cause incurable respiratory issues for anyone who breathes in the material.

While the Associated Pressa€™s article doesna€™t make this sound like therea€™s a huge threat to worry about, I cana€™t help but be concerned over the possible side effects. Dona€™t half of the zombie movies out there begin with some satellite re-entering the planeta€™s atmosphere with some dangerous byproduct that results in the dead awakening? Watch the skies for falling satellites, but perhaps we should also prepare for an onslaught of zombies as well. [link]

Supposedly this thing is about the size of a bus. We could be experiencing some Donnie Darko-esque moments down here on the surface. Let’s all hope that this doesn’t end up like that time when Cobra knocked the G.I. Joe satellite down with a tractor beam:

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Anybody else notice this is a little bit racialist?


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Posted: January 28th, 2008
at 10:16am by Black Ock

Categories: youtube,not ninja-worthy,weaponry,fo' real?,real life news

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