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Dumpster divers rejoice beware!AA Somebody is putting trippies in choco bars in Amsterdam and discarding them in trash cans near the airport!

THE HAGUE (AFP) - Police at Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport has released a warning for hallucinogenic dark chocolate bars after a homeless man ate one and confused their uniforms with wedding dresses.

"He ate some and we found him hallucinating", mixing up police uniforms with wedding dresses, police spokesman Rob Stenacker told AFP on Thursday.

Police later found more chocolate bars on the ground and in airport dustbins.

"They were very likely bought in the Netherlands and abandoned at the airport by travellers who didn’t dare to take them on board (the plane)," Stenacker said.

Police warned the public to be careful if they found any abandoned dark chocolate: "Don’t eat it, you don’t know what’s in it. Imagine what would happen if a child ate it."

Imagine what would happen? He’d trip balls, that’s what.

Original Article Via: Yahoo News


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Posted: August 21st, 2006
at 11:17am by black octagons

Categories: myninjaplease,drogas,grub

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