Conan O’Brien Stalked by Priest

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This begs the question:AA Who stalks a giant seven foot ginger?AA This dude could probably brutalize the average ninja barehanded.AA Only a priest.AA It MUST be Boston.


NEW YORK - A priest has been arrested on charges of stalking late-night talk show host Conan O’Brien by writing him threatening notes on parish letterhead, contacting his parents and showing up at his studio, prosecutors said Wednesday.

"I want a public confession before I ever consider giving you absolution _ or a spot on your couch," wrote the Rev. David Ajemian, who signed the notes "Padre," said Barbara Thompson, a spokeswoman for the Manhattan district attorney’s office.

Ajemian, from the Archdiocese of Boston, was arrested last week while trying to enter a taping session of NBC’s "Late Night with Conan O’Brien" at 30 Rockefeller Plaza, near where other NBC shows are taped and the famous Christmas tree is put up, Thompson said.

Court papers say Ajemian referred to himself as "your priest stalker" in one note and complained of not being allowed in to see an earlier taping of the O’Brien show. [link]

My Ninja, Please!AA This dude needs to find Jesus.


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Posted: November 8th, 2007
at 1:57pm by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,celebrity,crime

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