Hybrid Mutant is Just a Dog (sigh)

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aww… puppy

And after all that hubub, the suspected hybrid farm-animal-killer is just a dog.AA Funny thing is, everybody in Turner, MaineAAwas running around talking about how this thing was like the next chupacabras and whatnot.AA Just for the record, I’m mad at the motorist who hit my dog and then tried to act like they were doing society a good deed by killing the mutant beast.AA Here’s an excerpt from the orginal story, which is now inaccesible, being as the info has been updated:

TURNER, Maine - Residents are wondering if an animal found dead over the weekend may be the mysterious creature that has mauled dogs, frightened residents and been the subject of local legend for half a generation.

The animal was found near power lines along Route 4 on Saturday, apparently struck by a car while chasing a cat. The carcass was photographed and inspected by several people who live in the area, but nobody is sure exactly what it is.

Michelle O’Donnell of Turner spotted the animal near her yard about a week before it was killed. She called it a "hybrid mutant of something."

"It was evil, evil looking. And it had a horrible stench I will never forget," she told the Sun Journal of Lewiston. "We locked eyes for a few seconds and then it took off. I’ve lived in Maine my whole life and I’ve never seen anything like it."

[Ed: Just for the record, How did this heffer not know it was a dog?AA Um, the "chasing a cat" part seems to be a dead giveaway. My ninja, please.]


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Posted: August 21st, 2006
at 10:13am by black octagons

Categories: myninjaplease,life,not ninja-worthy

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